Mehmetcik Kutulamare EPISODE 24 with Urdu Subtitles
This is Episode number 24 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I don't think I need to tell you how things are progressing in Britain. For the sake of their in erests they d abandon anyone. If they're going to abandon me. then why did you save me? I don't know You're the one who's going to discover this. All I'm sure of this...

This is Episode number 24 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I don't think I need to tell you how things are progressing in Britain. For the sake of their in erests they d abandon anyone. If they're going to abandon me. then why did you save me? I don't know You're the one who's going to discover this. All I'm sure of this... that Cox threw you as a bait in front of us. You can'tconfuse me with these tricks. Think well Maybe Cox did that to just take revenge on you Maybe you fell a victim of a game much bigger than tthis. Victor a! tf we open the accounts book, you will be in debt. Many of our men have died. because you told him our location in Istanbul. Now, shut up and sit here. 1 rims you so much. You're going to Spain. You re getting rid of the desert now I thdftk you very much lor your services.
Although most of these services were spent in the dungeon, but. Excuse me! That's what I think. Your presence outside was putting Cox in danger And because he can't kill you... In the most reliable place, he handed you over no us. Think of .his very well. Concerning this matter, we can have a discussion anytime you wish, Mrs. Victoria. Have a nice rest. Commander. Commander Sefik wants to you. Como in Commander, Mr AM is here. It s exactly as I expected, Brother Sefik. What did you expect, Mr. Ah? Cox s after a game He threw Victoria as a bait to us. It’s clear that he's cornered. For this reason, he did that. He hea. d about she raids we did in Ahvaz. The devil got scared of his punishment, brother. We re going to continue striking. Whenever we strike them,... their force towards the east of Ahwaz will soon withdraw. Every time they send their soldiers, we re going to find them. In-Shaa- ALLAH (By the-Will-of- ALLAH ). we will make the heretics decrease slowly.
While you're messing around in Ahvaz,. the enemy might foe on their way, Mr. Ah. What does that mean7 It means they're coming Theirjeadingtroops are ©D their jvay between $uaybe and Nasirt,.,. And they ve started taking measurements to dig a way for transportation. Mr. All tMs information will not reach headquarters that's in Basra. We know that their army is there,... but they e protected We can t destroy them if we don t divide them. If we attack them in this condition, we will lose a lot of soldiers. We will not attack them using our soldiers. Commander Robert is going to take his troop unit and Increase security in Ahwaz. first of dll, lam very happy that Robert has recovered and returned safely to the fields, General. Butthat s what they want They want us to scatter the whole division throughout the desert. Those in this area are all Commander Enver s men. From the Balkans to West Tripoli, they have always waged an irregular warfare. they want to draw us into this trap.; I can't lose Ahwa2, Mr. Cox If the petrol isn't coming from there, Q&en we won t be able to move any of our machines cae t sail our boats in Tigris and Euphrates. They know that and that's why they're going to attack there.
This is Episode number 24 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I don't think I need to tell you how things are progressing in Britain. For the sake of their in erests they d abandon anyone. If they're going to abandon me. then why did you save me? I don't know You're the one who's going to discover this. All I'm sure of this... that Cox threw you as a bait in front of us. You can'tconfuse me with these tricks. Think well Maybe Cox did that to just take revenge on you Maybe you fell a victim of a game much bigger than tthis. Victor a! tf we open the accounts book, you will be in debt. Many of our men have died. because you told him our location in Istanbul. Now, shut up and sit here. 1 rims you so much. You're going to Spain. You re getting rid of the desert now I thdftk you very much lor your services.
Although most of these services were spent in the dungeon, but. Excuse me! That's what I think. Your presence outside was putting Cox in danger And because he can't kill you... In the most reliable place, he handed you over no us. Think of .his very well. Concerning this matter, we can have a discussion anytime you wish, Mrs. Victoria. Have a nice rest. Commander. Commander Sefik wants to you. Como in Commander, Mr AM is here. It s exactly as I expected, Brother Sefik. What did you expect, Mr. Ah? Cox s after a game He threw Victoria as a bait to us. It’s clear that he's cornered. For this reason, he did that. He hea. d about she raids we did in Ahvaz. The devil got scared of his punishment, brother. We re going to continue striking. Whenever we strike them,... their force towards the east of Ahwaz will soon withdraw. Every time they send their soldiers, we re going to find them. In-Shaa- ALLAH (By the-Will-of- ALLAH ). we will make the heretics decrease slowly.
While you're messing around in Ahvaz,. the enemy might foe on their way, Mr. Ah. What does that mean7 It means they're coming Theirjeadingtroops are ©D their jvay between $uaybe and Nasirt,.,. And they ve started taking measurements to dig a way for transportation. Mr. All tMs information will not reach headquarters that's in Basra. We know that their army is there,... but they e protected We can t destroy them if we don t divide them. If we attack them in this condition, we will lose a lot of soldiers. We will not attack them using our soldiers. Commander Robert is going to take his troop unit and Increase security in Ahwaz. first of dll, lam very happy that Robert has recovered and returned safely to the fields, General. Butthat s what they want They want us to scatter the whole division throughout the desert. Those in this area are all Commander Enver s men. From the Balkans to West Tripoli, they have always waged an irregular warfare. they want to draw us into this trap.; I can't lose Ahwa2, Mr. Cox If the petrol isn't coming from there, Q&en we won t be able to move any of our machines cae t sail our boats in Tigris and Euphrates. They know that and that's why they're going to attack there.
I want information about him from you. He has 20 tribes in Kutulamlre. Is he in control of them? Yes, he is He’s strong around here. how trustworthy he is.. I don't know shat. I don't have any information on this Sheriff Neccar and his tribes. If he were on our side on any front, I would've heard about It. He's a businessman. who loves money so much Walk around Kut $ bazaar and get some fresh air. And youll meet Sheriff Neccar. You're saying, I ll know him from just one tour around. The other day,. Commander Sefik also came. He talked about Sheriff Neccar. It just crossed my mind. What dtd he ask about7 He also asked the same thing as you. Afterwards . he said that Sheriff Neccar will benefit him and left. 0 hope there's nothing wrong. Ho, no I’m also gathering information about Sheriff Neccar. Thanks, sister. G heard you talking about Uncle Neccar, but... Do you know Sheriff Neccar? She grew up with his daughter since they were kids. Were you close7 How was your relationship ?j We ve Known each other since a Song time ago. Fatima went to Beirut, while we were in Baghdad. I understand. We havert t met for a long time.
By coincidence, I recently met Uncle Neccar, we had a very brief talk. I used to always go to their mansion back then. I mean when Fatima was there. Commander, Sheriff Neccar is here. iet Him come in. Go m. Welcome, Sheriff Neccar. Have a seat Pleasure to be here, commander. Pleasure to be here I hope my calling up wasn t too sudden and that it interrupted you from your work. What are you saying, commander? How could we have a more important work than this Our friend's caio up... is a duly for us. Thank you. E specia 11 y if youre the one who c ailed. For me even the flowing water stops. Allah bless you. Don't be humble. I've known you ever since you smarted working. The procedures you ve done, and your service to the Ottoman during this tough time... I'm personally witnessing tt.j You ambushed the British and saved our captives. Allah doesn’t grant everyone such successes. Then, from now on,. L. we will be more successful together. I hope it s good7 Lets say so. Commander you aroused my curiosity even more. What s the matter that we II be successful in together? There is a British troop unit on the road Nas1riyah$uaybe. They've already begun their moving preparations. We ll attack the British. Yes.
where is Sheriff Neccar* Sir. he couldn t make it. Couldnt come? What does Shis mean? He s going to meet the commander of the Turks, $efik. To $efik> Where did this sudden meeting pop out from? I don't know, sir. There s no I don t know. Oswald. Only I II find out as soon as possible, sir* exists in this castle. I ll find out as soon as possible, sir. But Shere's something they don't know about We re aware flhat they're present there... and we re going to attack them. We'regoing to attack them? We re going to do it together7 What kind of good things your mouth says, commander. So you're saying that you found us suitable for this mission? You wanted to meet me because of this? If I could help my dear friends In the higher Ottoman empire,... no person other than me will be the happiest man in this world. In the past in west of Tripol*. Now on this land. There might be some disagreements between Arabs and Turks, • t » but I always say.. We re in war. And our [and is in danger. If there's power that can get us out of this war faithfully with heads held high,... then that's the power of the Turkish army. My trust is intact since you think this way. If we are united, neither the English nor the Italian nor the Russians... will kick out the enemy and hopefully they'll soon meet them. In-Shaa-ALLAH(By-the-Wfll-of-ALLAH). I hope so, commander. What I gathered... is that the leading troops in north of $uaybe and Nastriya... will be attacked with cavalry of my tribe, right, Commander?