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Payitaht Abdülhamid​ with Urdu Dubbing EPISODE 16

This is Episode number 16 of Payitaht Sultan Abdul Hameed.  Yes   my sovereign. In the customs A great amount of clothes got stuck. A French tradesman brought them. When he disagreed with the buyer ..the clothes got left there. We can do that very cheap.   Good. No need to negotiate. Let's buy now.   Right. We need to buy immediately. But I want.. get our prince Abdulkadir involved in this.. ..and make some money. He is your uncle's son   anyway. Don't play with your prince   my king. What is the true natur of this job? Sabahattin. You are truly my son. Alright. The true nature is.. There are weapons under the clothes. But..   But? You need a partner like the prince.. take the weapons through the customs. Right. I think.. We will take the weapons through the customs.. using the prestig e of prince Abdulkadir. And Abdulkadir will make some benefits. When we get the weapons.. ..we will give them to the freedom  lover anarchists. They will create chaos in the capital. We will paint the sultan red. Good. My way goes to the palace again. Have a safe journey   prince. Yes   my king. Praise be. He is truly a prince. Come in. You promised me   my prince. To help me find my brother. Of course   I will. But.. I can't get you out by the door.   How can I get out? By the tunnels. After the incident of stabbing the servant ..I had a secret passage built in the tunnels. Come in. What is it   Saffet? My prince. Our sovereign is waiting for you in his presence. You can get out   Saffet.   My prince. Our sovereign was very angry. What did you to draw his anger on you? Saffet.   Forgive me   my prince. Wait for me here. I will come as soon as possible. Poor Melike. In that filthy palace   she's getting ruined ..under the red sultan's scaring cruel evil eyes. I got shocked with my feelings and ideas   Sara. Melike is a captive in the palace. I can't make the connection. You've become so idiot   Samir. Abdulhamid had your father killed. It's a miracle that.. ..he has let you and your sister live so far. I can make the connection about this. It's inevitable for me and Melike to.. ..incur the wrath of the sultan who killed our father. But.. You became captive in the palace at the same time. That's unbelievable. Red Sultan is a savage. He is a brutal tyrant who even.. ..has the birds followed from East to the West. You're right. That you're a British citizen is enough for him to arrest you. Ink   pen or words don't work on that blood sucker tyrants. My hope is gradually vanishing   Sara. Red Sultan killed your father. And he will also take your honor. My honor? If you just write on the tables despite all those deaths can't protect your honor   either. What else can I do? You will use your fists if necessary. The one who has no honor in his heart.. ..can't have honor in his words. Sara. What's wrong? Sit over here.


Don't worry. I will. Your nose is bleeding. A vulgar   wild and furious wolf.. moving towards you and Melike. Two drops of blood in my nose aren't important. Come in. My grandfather Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror.. When he was a child When his name was only Mehmed He misbehaved one day. When his father Sultan Murad saw him ..he said that he wouldn't be a man. When Akşemseddin heard that   he opened his hands.. "What father says   what fate says" ..he said. Fate was right. Akşemseddin was right. Fate flourished my grandfather's ways with flowers. The child grew up.. ..and became the conqueror. I wish.. ..I had said the same thing.. ..and the fate had proved me to be wrong. My sovereign. I'm embarrassed that I upset you. It's not about upsetting me. How could make Sara meet Ahsen? Don't you know what it can cause? My sovereign. I didn't know the essence of the matter. You didn't know? She doesn't remember her past. What if our captive.. ..reminds her the past? Don't you think what this can cause? You are ruining everything. Why did you do that? My sovereign.   Why did you? My sovereign. Ahsen thought that you had her father killed. Did you tell her? No. But I think she remembered. I told her you wouldn't do such a thing. I told her you won't kill an innocent. I thought she would realize the truth by talking to Sara. My sovereign. We searched everywhere in the palace. But we couldn't find Ahsen. Do you know where she is? When I was your age ..I didn't use to deal with such useless things. I used to engage in trade.. ..ride horses   fire guns.. ..follow the world politics. And look at what you are dealing with. And you even fail in that. Oh general. Our   year  old secret is missing again. The secret that will take us to our spy in Vatican.. missing. The coffee is delicious. It invites the man to chat. What is your reason of visit   general? The pleasure of chatting with you.. better than anything   general. But untimely death of the Ottoman Bank's director.. ..also upset me deeply. Will of god   general. Death has.. ..reasons   but unstoppable. True. Our grief is deep. But continuity forms the basis of country. What did you do   general? Did you appoint an appropriate director in the place of the deceased? I have some reasonable   capable.. ..and skillful people in my mind. But the sovereign will make the final decision. No way. We can't refer everything to our sovereign. He is the head of country   general Mahmud. The head leads ..the feet walk. You're the grand vizier of this country. You aren't a puppet. Of course. We have some virtues and duties. But I can say this with my years of experience.. If unless there is only one key of a barn ..there are lots of mice. Don't mind doubts and the mice now. Just appoint a director. You are the great grand vizier. One director is appointed to one bank. Not two. Every job has experts. If the sovereign is the head of this country. ..we can't say anything about it. General. Our sovereign has his hands full. We should help him. We should lighten his burden. I have such a competent candidate for the bank direction that.. will be grateful to me. His name is.. Hasan   the son of moneylender. He got educated in Britain and France. A very talented person. His name is very familiar.

You know him. He got in the usury business with a small deal of money. And got a great fortune in a short time. He is very talented and competent. Well.. I.. I.. You owe him some money. And you have difficulty in paying. We know that    general We know. But.. Don't worry. We can solve the problem completely. It's not right to make an usurer the director of bank   general. But.. My statement of my feelings don't say so   general. It doesn't say so. That person.. educated about economics. He will benefit the bank greatly. Besides He will cancel your debt.   Not possible. I have my debt. It will be a bigger sin. I can't carry it. General. But.. The statement of my feelings.. ..doesn't say so either. You don't need to pay him. There are many orphans   sick and poor people in Ottoman. You will give them the money. And you will do a great deed. Think about it   please. Don't follow me   my prince. I won't get you in trouble. I will return for you. Ahsen. Ahsen. Al Fatihah! Amen! I swear on god. Before I take your revenge ..I won't come to your grave   mother. Come in. My prince. Where are you coming from? It seems you also use the tunnel at daylight now. Did our sovereign forbid you to get out entirely? Stop quacking   Sabahattin. Why would he forbid? I checked a sound.   Oh my prince. Don't get angry. When I saw you at the door of tunnel at daylight. Only you know the existence of this tunnel. With your father   we used the secret passage in the cellar. Even he doesn't know. If this get known   it will be on you. Which secret of ours did I reveal   my prince? Why did you come? Let's have a seat first. I have great news. What is it? I decided to trade. That's why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you first.   What kind of trade? A tradesman brought a great deal of cloth to Istanbul. Indian cloth. But.. The poor man has no money to unload the goods. And the ship will leave tonight. He will sell for very cheap. I paid some deposit. And cautioned him. He will tell nobody. I will buy. Great idea of yours   Sabahattin. I think it will be very beneficial trade.   But.. I can buy only the half. I can only afford that much. If you want ..we can be partners. We can buy the goods together.   Okay. That will be great. I got exposed to my father's attack today. Why? What happened? He said that I am useless.. ..and that he used to trade and hunt when he was a prince. Just the chain of advice. Don't worry. We will make great profit with that cloth trade. We will earn one to ten   my prince. Here he comes.. A new tradesman is rising. Will it be that beneficial? It has more pluses than minuses   my prince. I may be even more beneficial. Alright. How much? The other half is . Kuruşes. I don't have that much   Sabahattin. Alright   then. But.. I'll want from my mother. She won't upset me. Good.


Your boys returned safe and sound   my sovereign. And they succeeded in their duties. Praise be! Saving one life is like saving the humanity. You will take the reward of saving Jewish lives.. ..definitely in the judgement day. Without your wisdom and discernment ..we could neither know about the Jews. ..nor save them. There was an old man among the Jews   my sovereign. The everyone with conscience who listens to his words ..would give Ottoman credit for that. What did he say? British journalists came to make news. And got surprised to see Jews weren't dead. That old man.. ..told them someone said for the first time that.. ..there was another way except death. As long as we stand ..we will try to wipe the tears of people.. ..from every nation and religion   out of sight. But.. We will also call the tyrants to account. I hope so. You brought a gift to us. The news is true   my sovereign. We captured a British spy. Good. Let's go and open his account book. Friend of the alone. Helper of the desperate. Infinite fortune of the poor. Strength of the weak. The complain authority of the sufferer. My god. Lighten of our sovereign's burden. Did you say something   general? No   my sovereign. My Seniha. It's impossible to see your magnificent beauty.. ..even in the Western world. My Seniha. You are the unique image of a wondrous queen. Thank god   I'm not one of the Eastern desperate women.. ..who put on airs when compared to Westerns. You couldn't learn that   Mahmud. Well.. Why don't you like them? West is the land of civilization and elegance. My fury is not on them. But on us who gave up on ourselves to look like them. People can't preserve their character   ethics.. ..and self  respect by looking like others   general Mahmud. See you.   Seniha Sultan. Where are you going? The queen mother is in the palace. I need to go. The queen mother. Queen mother is a powerful woman. I think all the plans in the palace will change. They did. Because she pushed Lady Bidar out as soon as she came. And she gave Makbule to us as our daughter  in  law. My Seniha. I think this is completely your success ..not queen mother's. You are a go  getter   my Seniha. The news that you gave me.. great. I'm going to the palace   Mahmud. But I'm curious. Which useless thing will you deal with? I feel offended   Seniha Sultan. I feel offended. I'm a glorious Ottoman general. And waiting for important news now. I even have no time to breathe uselessly. I feel offended. I see   general. See you. Oh women! What is that? Owl. A dead owl. Owl. Abdulhamid. Owl. <i  YILDIZ PALACE</i What's your name?   None of your business. Who ordered you to kill innocent Jews? God. God told the Queen. She told us. You wanna know who? The one bigger than you   Abdulhamid. Here you see. We are so big that.. are afraid of a man tied hand and foot. You can't hit him. Because you know.. If I get slightly hurt ..they will make you pay. Don't get so scared   though. The one with fear of god.. ..isn't afraid of servants. But get afraid of us. We aren't the servants of your god. You are a sultan now. When British Empire jumps on you ..your generals will be equal to officers like me. And an ordinary British governor will sit on your throne. You.. What do you trust? My country must have sent someone to save me by now. At the end   I will go to London freely. You will. You will. But.. In a coffin made of the woods from the forests of my country. Our queen mother is here. 

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