Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 15 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 15 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5 this is Episode number 15 of Payitaht Sultan Abdul Hameed. <i YILDIZ PALACE</i Do you wanna take revenge from Abdulhamid? Abdulhamid had your father killed. Step on it. Is it comfortable? It is. You will get used to it boy. When did you see me and made this my sovereign? Our sovereign saw you walking.. the Kuruçeşme garden with your mother. Then we inquired about you. Thank god. My son is walking. We're grateful to you. We're Christian but your people. We knew Ottoman ruled with justice for centuries. But now in the newspapers we read.. Forgive me. What is written in the papers? They call you killer. But you made a leg for my son with your hands. You are a person who tries to help a cripple boy for his peace.. ..and has a great heart beyond the country borders. Shame on ones who call you killer. I believe they slandered on you. I will tell this to everyone my sovereign. I've never harmed anyone during my sultanate. Why do they put the blame of murder on you? Why slandering?
My boy. Oppressors know.. ..they stand against someone who will fight for poor people. They stand against Ottoman who will shield itself for poor people.. their every move. A huge nation. That man wouldn't kill my father. That man wouldn't kill an oppressed man. Apple of my eyes. Joy of my heart. My angel faced mother. I swear on the verse.. "Even if we let you die and take you from among them.. ..we will definitely.. ..take revenge on them." The vengeance is lawful for me. Miss Sara. Open your eyes and make us happy. Please Miss Sara. Don't worry. I'm fine. Thank god. You were exposed to Abldulhamid for two days. That disaster can have side effects of course. The storm can't pierce my nature. If you stayed with Abdulhamid for more would get ruined at all.
This is a wonderful Episode that
you cant leave it withoout watching.
I'm just saying. You're right general. I met the Red Sultan. I tought I was falling apart. If he had blown me slightly I could have died. Whatever. Let's stop talking useless. Let's talk about.. I saved Miss Sara.. ..with great effort and risking my life. But.. ..If you attempt to give me a simple thanks ..I will feel great sorrow. I can predict why.. made efforts to save me. Getting offended Miss Sara. Except from deep feeling towards you ...what benefit can I have? Hiram also knows this. Yeah. Of course. General Mahmud and I are full of love. We don't mind benefits. We just thought.. ..if we could draw Mr.Parvus' attention by saving you. That's all. Good job for you both. Be sure that you will get something in return. Thank you. Parvus will appreciate this much. Good. <i YILDIZ PALACE</i Everyone out! You too. Wait me in the hall. Feel comfortable girl.
May god improve your health. Thanks queen mother. Listen. I know your situation. You were attacked by stabbing. Who attacked you? My sultan. I don't know how long I'm in this condition. I've just waken up. I heard that.. Seniha Sultan took me as a bride. How can I say who attacked me? Tell me girl. You don't need to afraid. I am the queen mother. I'm the nacre of the caliphate pearl. Nobody can anyone under my protection. Come on. Come on. Tell me. I was eating something in harem that night my sultan. General Mahmud came. When he figured out I knew him ..he attacked me. Then.. I'm like this my sultan. It means.. The causer of your condition.. general Mahmud. Seniha Sultan wanted to make your her daughter in law. So that you wouldn't give her husband's name. Bidar Sultan took you under his protection. So that you would give the name of whomever she liked. Listen girl. You won't tell this anyone else. My sultan. What will happen to me?
You will be where you will be afraid. In the house of general Mahmud. My sultan. What will I do there? What about my life safety? Don't worry girl. It's the safest place. If something happens to you the causer will be obvious. Both Seniha Sultan and general Mahmud.. ..have to take care of you well. My girl. I took you under my protection. Whoever is responsible for you now.. ..can't hurt you. But.. If someone asks you about the causer of your condition will tell me immediately. We kept this secret years ago general. But our crop didn't grow. It didn't get out of the soil. My sovereign. If we hadn't release Sara Hedaya we would learn now.
We will learn anyway. Don't worry. My sovereign. We have news from Ömer. Let him in. What is the situation? My sovereign. Ömer went to the exchange as he was ordered. We waited for a while. But nobody came. Then we went after him. Ömer gave miss Sara. But.. Mean Hiram killed Ömer's mother my sovereign. We came from god and will return to him. My sovereign. There was a cross.. the forehead of Ömer's mother. Stand around Ömer. My sovereign. Shall we invite him and talk? He's a decent man. He wouldn't misbehave. General. Ömer is like an set arrow now. We can't stop him. I hope we won't meet him in a dungeon.
Forgive me my sovereign. He is the captive of the vengeance bow now. And the bow is drawn general. The arrow will get thrown. If we cut the bow the arrow will get wasted. The arrow will get thrown. Father. I couldn't save mom from the cruel people. I couldn't bring her healthy. I need to cut wood. The water will boil. We will clean the dirt and dust of this world.. ..on my Asiye. Sit please. My sultan. If you let me I will give you information about the situation. No need Lady Bidar. I know the situation. Did she said who attacked her my sultan_ No. She said harem was dark those days. She didn't see who it was. I have been getting bad news from harem. You are after a girl of harem.. ..and involved in politics