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Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 09 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Writer: SherazSheraz

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 09 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5 This is Episode number 09 of Payitaht Sultan Abdul Hameed. Financial infiltration was the methods for British section into Egypt, as it was for the French control of Tunisia. The Khedives of Egypt, Sait and Ismail, had contracted immense credits at huge limits, first to construct the Suez Canal, at that point to help their very own luxurious ways of life. By 1875, the obligation had expanded to 100 million British pounds and it required multiple thirds of every Egyptian income to keep the obligations adjusted. The money related state of Egypt was along these lines a perfect representation of that of the Ottoman Empire.

At the point when the Egyptians defaulted in their obligation installments, the European forces shaped the Egyptian Debt Commission with the specialist to seize explicit incomes. To guarantee consistence, the forces forced an Armenian patriot as the leader of Egypt, while an Englishman turned into the fund serve and a Frenchmen, the clergyman of open works.

This is a wonderful Episode that

you cant leave it withoout watching.

The stipulations of the Egyptian Debt Commission implied the successful give up of Egyptian power to the Europeans, which created an open scene. Riding on well known disdain, a gathering of Egyptian armed force officials constrained the Khedive to evacuate the outsiders in the service and choose Egyptians. At the point when the Khedive rejected the outsiders, the British and French, in consortium, requested that Khedive Ismail be supplanted by his child Tawfiq who was progressively consistent and all the more ready to acknowledge the British-French terms.

Be that as it may, since Egypt was in fact an Ottoman region, the rejection of a Khedive still required the assent of the Sultan in Istanbul. Sultan Abdul Hamid from the outset swayed, yet he had no way out; Ismail was rejected and Tawfiq was designated in his place.

The Sultan sent an assignment to Cairo to examine and resolve the budgetary issues with the European forces. While dealings were going on, a joined fleet of British and French naval forces showed up off the shore of Alexandria to put weight on the arbitrators. This resembled pouring oil on a flame. Egyptian patriot notion erupted and crowd savagery killed a few outsiders. This was the appearance the British were hanging tight for. Utilizing the reason of securing European lives, the British naval force barraged the undefended city of Alexandria, slaughtering a few hundred individuals.

The French, who had at first requested military activity against Egypt, ended up worried that a consolidated strike would just move Britain into a predominant position in Egypt and hauled out of the collusion. Unfaltering, a British power arrived in Alexandria and subsequent to involving the city, proceeded onward Cairo. On September 3, 1882, the patriot Egyptian powers met the trespassers at the skirmish of Tel el Kabir yet were crushed. After four days the British armed force was in Cairo. The loss of Tunisia to France and of Egypt to Britain implied that the Ottoman Empire was presently an Asian element comprising of its Anatolian heartland and the Arab regions of Syria, Iraq and Arabia. The war with Russia and the loss of Egypt and Tunisia had cost the Empire over 60% of its populace. There was an enormous flood of Muslim exiles from the Balkans. These outcasts, having lost all that they had, were incredibly unfriendly to the Christians and were resolved to proceed with their battle against Russia. Password for this Episode is paYitaht09.

The enduring of the Balkan Muslims inspired compassion among Muslims somewhere else in the realm and was the primary purpose behind pushing prominent supposition toward Islamic solidarity. A second purpose behind expanding skillet Islamic propensities was simply the early childhood of the Sultan. As a youngster Sultan Abdul Hamid was prepared by the main ulema and shaykhs of the time. He was a devout man who dodged frivolities, was grave, kept his petitions and watched the orders of the Qur'an and Sunnah. By sense and via preparing, the Sultan was arranged to look for nearer ties with the Muslim world.

The third was an upsurge of evangelist feeling among the Muslims around the world, communicated most intensely by the Mahdi of the Sudan (d.1884). The Tijaniya development in the Maghrib and the Sanusiya development in Libya expanded religious enthusiasm among the Muslims of North Africa. In Afghanistan and Central Asia, the talk of Jamaluddin Afghani had


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