Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 08 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5

Payitaht: Sultan Abdülhamid EPISODE 08 Season 01 with Urdu Dubbing by GiveMe5 This is Episode 08 of Payitaht Abdul Hameed. In March 1878, the Russians and the Ottomans marked a Treaty at San Stefano, a little town situated on the edges of Istanbul. By its terms, the Ottomans surrendered the regions of Kars, Ardahan and Batum in the east to Russia. The Straits would be available to Russian delivery. The freedom of Rumania, Montenegro, Serbia and Bulgaria was recognized. Montenegro and Serbia were extended to incorporate enormous segments of Bosnia and Albania. Bulgaria was compensated with all of eastern Rumelia and northern Thrace and its regions developed in excess of three overlay to stretch out from the Danube River to the Aegean Sea. The fantasy of the Czars to make a Balkan political scene commanded by Russia was satisfied. The Ottomans consented to pay a war repayment of 24 billion kurush to the Czar over a time of 100 years. Summarily, the terms were downright give up by the Ottomans.
The Treaty of San Stefano was unsuitable to the next European forces. England and France were against a Russian overwhelmed Bulgaria stretching out to the Aegean Sea. Austria questioned Russian impact over Serbia and Montenegro. Bismarck of Germany, aligned with Austria and Russia in the League of the Three Emperors, understood that except if fast advances were taken to defuse the circumstance, war may emit between his two partners. Thusly, he consented to assemble a gathering of the chief powers in Berlin, wherein every one of the provisions of the Treaty of San Stefano would be renegotiated.
This is a wonderful Episode that
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The Treaty of San Stefano was unsuitable to the next European forces. England and France were against a Russian overwhelmed Bulgaria stretching out to the Aegean Sea. Austria questioned Russian impact over Serbia and Montenegro. Bismarck of Germany, aligned with Austria and Russia in the League of the Three Emperors, understood that except if fast advances were taken to defuse the circumstance, war may emit between his two partners. Thusly, he consented to assemble a gathering of the chief powers in Berlin, wherein every one of the provisions of the Treaty of San Stefano would be renegotiated.
The Treaty of Berlin, which finished up in July 1878, partitioned Bulgaria into three sections. The northern part would be self-sufficient under Russian direction however would pay a yearly tribute to the Sultan. The subsequent part, east Rumelia, would be under Ottoman control yet with a blended Muslim-Christian organization regulated by the forces. The southern part, comprising of Thrace and southern Rumelia were come back to coordinate Ottoman organization. Bosnia-Herzegovina was put under Austrian control.
The freedom of Montenegro and Serbia was avowed. As a "safety measure" against further Russian military weight against the Porte, Britain involved Cyprus on the appearance that it could quickly react to any future dangers by the Czar. Footrest war repayments to Russia were diminished to 350,000 kurush every year for a long time. The Conference of Berlin along these lines fixed the destiny of the Ottoman Empire in Europe with just a rear end swath of region left to interface Istanbul with Albania. Toward the east, the Ottomans lost a few areas in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Maybe, as fundamentally, the expense of the war depleted them monetarily. The war reimbursements to Russia added to the officially devastating obligation installments to European investors.
The Russian attack of 1877-1878 and its result profoundly affected the youthful Sultan. Abdul Hamid understood the pointlessness of clutching European regions where the Christians were a dominant part. His Christian vassals had revolted and had supported the Russians, regardless of the changes established under the tanzeemat and in spite of the portrayal given to them in the new Ottoman parliament. He was profoundly baffled with the chief forces which had let down the Ottomans notwithstanding their settlement commitments. It wound up clear that the chief forces wanted nothing not exactly add up to evisceration of the Ottoman Empire. These feelings of trepidation were before long affirmed by French proceeds onward North Africa and British proceeds onward Egypt. The war had brought a huge number of Muslim outcasts into Istanbul, escaping the mass butcher that pursued the Russian development. Having lost everything in their flight, these displaced people were amazingly severe towards their Christian neighbors. These components made the Sultan walk out on Europe and reorient his concentration towards the Muslim Middle East.
More than 250,000 displaced people entered Istanbul and Anatolia in the initial three months of the Russian battles. Throughout the following two years (1877-1879), this number multiplied, forcing a huge weight on Ottoman assets. This was the first of the huge scale slaughters of Balkan Muslims, which forged ahead and off for in excess of a hundred years, coming full circle in the Serbian slaughters of Bosnians in 1990-1992. These early switches stunned the Ottomans. The Porte spoke to the European powers under terms of the Paris Treaty to weight the Russians to pull back. The answers from Austria and Germany were unclear. The British bureau issued similarly dubious proclamations and did nothing to dissuade the Czar.
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