Mehmetcik Kutul Amare EPISODE 26 Season 01 with Urdu Subtitle by GiveMe5

Mehmetcik kutul Amare EPISODE 26 Season 01 with Urdu subtitle by GiveMe5 This is Episode number 26 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I thought you d like to have a drink, Mr. Neccar. No. no. Thanks. Thanks. Didn't Mahdum come yet? Ho, sir. He didn t come. Where have you been?
This is Episode number 26 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I thought you d like to have a drink, Mr. Neccar. No. no. Thanks. Thanks. Didn't Mahdum come yet? Ho, sir. He didn t come. Where have you been? You re late? I almost died of worry. I'm here. sir. What news have you brought from Mr. Cox for me? We now know when we re saving Mrs. Victoria Mistress. When? Tomorrow. We re going to do a raid tomorrow. Thank to HIM. What else? Mr. Cox, asked us to secure armed men for the attack. Okay,
This is a wonderful Episode that
you cant leave it withoout watching.
okay. hat's not big deal. You do handle this. Did he give you a No, sir. He only asked us to secure armed men. Twenty. No, thirty. Let them be knights... choose the bravest ones and give ihem guns. Let a hem get ready. Yes, Mr. Neccar. Don t worry. , HI finally reunite with you. Finally. Come in. You asked for me, commander. ComejAdam, come. I got some very important information today. We found the hiding place of Victoria and Cox. This is very good news, commander.
This is Episode number 26 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I thought you d like to have a drink, Mr. Neccar. No. no. Thanks. Thanks. Didn't Mahdum come yet? Ho, sir. He didn t come. Where have you been? You re late? I almost died of worry. I'm here. sir. What news have you brought from Mr. Cox for me? We now know when we re saving Mrs. Victoria Mistress. When? Tomorrow. We re going to do a raid tomorrow. Thank to HIM. What else? Mr. Cox, asked us to secure armed men for the attack. Okay,
This is Episode number 26 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. I thought you d like to have a drink, Mr. Neccar. No. no. Thanks. Thanks. Didn't Mahdum come yet? Ho, sir. He didn t come. Where have you been? You re late? I almost died of worry. I'm here. sir. What news have you brought from Mr. Cox for me? We now know when we re saving Mrs. Victoria Mistress. When? Tomorrow. We re going to do a raid tomorrow. Thank to HIM. What else? Mr. Cox, asked us to secure armed men for the attack. Okay, okay. hat's not big deal. You do handle this. Did he give you a No, sir. He only asked us to secure armed men. Twenty. No, thirty. Let them be knights... choose the bravest ones and give ihem guns. Let a hem get ready. Yes, Mr. Neccar. Don t worry. , HI finally reunite with you. Finally. Come in. You asked for me, commander. ComejAdam, come. I got some very important information today. We found the hiding place of Victoria and Cox. This is very good news, commander.Hold him light. Okay, okay, okay. Ah. . I got one out Apply pressure. Sergeant Sefer. Silence. How is Erciyes? Is its winter cold? Does it make one get cold? Erciyes' winter is really cold. But its water and air are pure. The wild horses run in their fields. I know those horses, brother. I know them. But they're like us, Sergeant Mevtut. They’re not submissiveto captivity. You can't tame them. If you run from the slopes of Erciyes... towards the vineyards... catch it if you can. Okay okay okay. Don't let him talk, Sergeant Mevliit, okay. Its water is like ice in summers.
We used to go with my father to get water from there. Do yo see’ He's calling me. Sergeant Mevliit. Do yoj see7 My father. There. Father. I am ahirsty. Father. tried to protect you. I'm warning you one last time. You either drop that gun or Or what? So you re threatening me even when you're In this condition? I d really love to trust you. We could have been a great duo together. You only trust yourself. You don't care about anyone other than yourself. Your end was brought by your confidence. Be reasonable, Victoria. Only fools can t see their end. You're starting again with the brief words. Stop acting like a gentleman.