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Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitles EPISODE 05

Writer's picture: GiveMe5GiveMe5

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

This is Episode number FIVE of Kurulus Osman Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles. Beys. Blaming eachother won't provide peace for us. We have to hear what Osman will say. The one who died was a Tekfur, and the blamed one is the son of the margrave. Don't forget, one side is Byzantine, and the other one is Seljuq. That's why we'll set up a trial in Sogiit tomorrow. Why not Kulucahisar? Osman has committed all the crimes in Kulucahisar that he was blamed of. We must judge him. Judging is not important, the important thing is to expose the truth, Kalanos. Besides, which tribe and ey will agree on the decision you'll make on Kulucahisar? Ali§er Bey is right, Kalanos. Osman must be judged in Sogiit, so no one will have questions in their heads. A trial which will be set under the justice of our Kadis will be suitable for everyone. We agree on that. I just want to provide the peace which we were about to set with my deceased friend Yorgopolos. I don't want blood on our hands. Osman is an escapee right now. You couldn't keep him even in your caged tent. What if he doesn't come to Sogiit? Then... He will have accepted all the guilts including Tekfur's murder. I am sure that Osman Bey will attend that trial, don’t worry. Even his uncle couldn't control him. How can you be so sure? Turkmens on this border are like crazy horses, Sofya... Every one of them has different ties, but all of them are tied to a single pole. I am that pole. The one who can speak over me in Turk tribes is not born yet. If Osman doesn't come alive, his body will come.

This is a promise of Sanjak Bey Ali§er. So that you trust yourself, we trust your promise as friends. We'll wait for news, Ali§er Bey. Truth will be exposed tomorrow. in§Allah it will be good for all of us. Who is he, Osman? There is no need for that, Bamsi eyWhere is Edebali? He sent me. My name is Zulfikar. Let's go to him. amsi ey, take precautions here. EyvAllah Osman Bey, eyvAllah. Ali§er Bey is handing a rope, uncle. I saw it, he is close to Osman. That's why he wants the trial in Sogut. Ali§er Bey... is setting up the wolves' table, my nephew. He wants the people who lost their breaths to die. It's true that he is handing a rope into the well. But we will see if that rope will save us or strangle us. What if a decision to the detriment of Osman comes out, uncle? Are we going to sacrifice my brother? We have to find Osman first. We have to give proofs that will convince judges that Osman is innocent. Then I will make him pay for what he did to Batur. Osman is from my blood, he is from my heart. Only I can punish him. ln§Allah it's a good thing. Osman's Alps... So you came, ha? Bogaq brother, take Tursun to the healing tent. EyvAllah Boran brother. We will take Bala Hatun to Ertugrul Bey's tent, come on. There are injured people, uncle. Boran Alp! All rivers fall into the sea. We won't stay long, Diindar Bey. I decide who stays and who leaves in this tribe. Who is that Hatun? §eyh Edebah's daughter, Bala Hatun. Was the girl who was abducted from the bazaar Edebah's daughter? Yes. ordered us to host her in his father's tent. I guess your Bey's heart was not big enough to take her here himself. You can't fit my Bey's heart in these tents. We, Kayis, can't keep a Hatun waiting who is looking for a treatment. We would burn the world for drop of blood of a Muslim. Inform Zohre Hatun, she will take care of her. Edebah's daughter is our daughter. Take her. Selamun Aleykum. Ve Aleykum Selam. Zulfikar Dervi§ told me that you know about the incident. Bala Hatun is fighting death. What are you looking for here? Batur... Take Osman's Alps to the caged tent. They won't go anywhere until Osman Bey comes back.

Dundar you are flaring up the fire. Fire hasn't started, Boran Alp. It hasn't. As you order, my Bey. Thanks to Allah. We now have a precious clay. It is worth the effort, ha Ziilfikar? As you say, my Efendi. It's not the time to take care of that Edebali. We don't have time. It's not easy, son. It's not. It’s not easy to find and to be present. It's not easy to build a box of secret, son. It needs effort and patience. It needs the attention of your eye, and the sweat of your forehead. You'll collect the dirt first. You'll clean it from the stones. The stronger the clay is, the stronger the ceramic is.. Bala Hatun is fighting death in the tribe. That's why it's story is similar to humans’ story. As the box of secret is made from the soil, humans are created from the soil. If they have a good master, and have a good self, they are shaped easily. People are the same, Osman Bey. They are immature, they burn and be then. If it's clay has flaws, and if they see a little fire, the box of secret cracks. It leaks water. Just like people who are not immature yet. Fire turns the soil into a ceramic, and patience turns immature people into a wise people. Box of secret, and the people are the same. As my daughter Bala bears pain... as she get over troubles, as she demands struggling... she'll be rewarded. She'll be the one who wins. Did you think she was not going to be tested just because she is the daughter of Edebali? What will we do on doomsday... where no one will be in use for eachother, ha Osman? Didn't Our Prophet say?

On that day, I can't even help my daughter Fatima." Her pulse is weak. She is poisoned. We can't do anything. She will die. She is the entrustment of Osman. This is Hayme Ana's tent. We can't reject anyone who has come to this door looking for a cure. Let's boil castor oil, it will make her vomit. Go boil castor oil. Give me a towel. Now, Osman... tell me what your problem is. They wanted you to pay a price. They want the treasure from you. If you don't give it... Your daughter Bala... will die in a short time. Children of the devil.. They think that death comes from the poison. Those devils are so arrogant... That devil didn't grovel to Adem (Adam) once. If Hakk doesn't order her to die, my daughter won't die even if they make her drink a thousand poisons, if He wants, then what can we do? We will be happy, as she will be a neighbor to our Prophet(ASV) afterlife. You are right. People who don't know how to sacrifice... who can't risk sacrificing... who can't understand what mortality is, shouldn’t expect the consent of Him. Is it easy to confront our Allah saying that we are Muslims, ha Osman? Muslims are the ones who are honourable. And honourable people are the ones who don't forget the truth in hard times and in good times.

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Are we going to stay here, doing nothing? Sofya is Yannis' daughter. Yannis' daughter? Let's see what Yannis will do after you abduct her. How do you know that I will get Sofya? Our life passed trying to get the most valuable clay from the soil, son. Our eyes can detect the valuable people as well. Now I am going to your tribe as a guest. If you can bring the cure, it will be good. If you can’t, don't feel upset. Our da'wah is to have the same sense with "the ant". (Explanation is in the description above) Knowing our sides will be enough. You are right, Edebali. What is the value of that treasure? It's just a piece of wood, son. A piece of wood. I want to listen it another time. Now I should set off. Always be on the right path, son. Go safely. Asli and Kerem. I worked hard on it. It's finally done. Open your eyes, Aygul. Her dead body is at the ey's tent, imagine where her alive body will be at. Look what it writes here, Sofya. A verse from the Kuran Surah Al-Hujurat. The believers are but brothers..." Surah Al-Hujurat [49:10] Kuran is inviting them to be brothers and to be a union on 82 verses. This is our way of exit, Sofya. A disorder which we will cause. Now I am listening to you, which informations did you bring from the Kayi tribe? Kayi tribe is messed up, my Efendi. Diindar is mad at Osman. We can use that anger. ecause Osman doesn't respect Diindar's Beylic. Diindar might be a Bey... but Ertugrul's son Osman's soul is wandering around the Kayi tents. I can feel it, Sofya. Osman will be a trouble not only for us but also for Diindar.

The fire which we will flare up will take us to the treasure. Do you think Osman knows where the treasure is? It's impossible for Osman to know where the treasure is. Edebali won't tell Ahis' secret to him. He is madly in love, enough to stand against Edebali for her. You will see, he will bring the treasure. Efendi Yannis, we've received information from Nizamettin. Tell me Helen. Osman sent Bala Hatun to Kayi tribe. Love... I am bowing respectfully to your power. I witnessed the power of love on the day which I had the blood of the Tekfur on my hands. But Osman... we can't be sure what he'll do. Be sure that he'll bring the secret of Ahis, Kalanos. The love he has... and the anger he has for me.. will bring the treasure to me sooner or later. We will have taken our precaution when he comes. My Ali§ar Bey. Do you know what fish and people have in common, Nizamettin? Both of them get in trouble when they open their mouth needlessly. Now... cough what you have in your stomach. My Bey... you know that it's my happiness to be your eyes and ears. I couldn't keep it inside. I don't like long conversations. Cut it short. §eyh Edebali's daughter Bala Hatun was poisoned. They took her to Kayi tribe. What are they doing? My Bey... most importantly.. Osman is with Samsa Qavu§. Probably, §eyh Edebali is with them too. So Edebali is flaring the fire up inside Osman. We'll put that fire off, so our words will be heard on these lands. Now go... Go find Osman, tell him.. My Ali§er Bey is calling you to the trial." What if he doesn't want to come, my Bey? He will.



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Zia Ur Rehman
Zia Ur Rehman
Mar 17, 2020



Panchi of Pakistan
Panchi of Pakistan
Jan 13, 2020

Season 5 ki 31 se 88 tak Episode kis website par hein plz tell me


Unknown member
Dec 26, 2019

upld 6 episode urdu

Subtitle .plz


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