Kurulus Osman EPISODE 55 (28) Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles GiveMe5
Updated: Aug 16, 2023

This is Episode 28 (55) of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 55 of Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitiles by GiveMe5. Allah is HAYY! (The Ever-Living) Allah is HAQQ! (The Absolute Truth) Where did they come from?-Allah is HAYY!-Allah-u Ekber!Malhun Hatun...Kalanos...Soldiers, open the way!Let’s go.Is the flying flame that effective?I wouldn't believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my eyes, Savci Bey. It is worse than a tornado, than a disaster.What about the tunnel?Nikola s soldiers will be happy since they’ll have a graveyard.Protect yourself.It's about to blow up.Burn.What did I do? Burn.Burn.Burn.Burn.Burn. Burn. Burn.Burn. Burn.Malhun Hatun..Attack, my Alps!My Bey!Malhun Hatun fights like a man MashaAllah!Hearts don't have genders Boran!
Let's go!Why didn't it blow up, Goktug?We gave ourselves time to go out.It'll blow up now.We are already out!You are out but.. Cerkutay...Where is he?He must’ve gone out by now.Burn... burn.Let's go Savci Bey.Cerkutay…Cerkutay!\Cerkutay! Cerkutay!Cerkutay!Brother... Brother!Open your eyes, Cerkutay!Cerkutay... brother, open your eyes!Cerkutay! Brother!Cerkutay! Cerkutay!Cerkutay! Cerkutay!Brother, open your eyes!Brother!His heart is not beating. Cerkutay!Cerkutay! Cerkutay!
listened to your heart! It stopped beating, how is that possible?Allah created me the other way round.My heart is on the right side.Didn't I tell you that Cerkutay wouldn’t die?Let’s go and check if any of them went out.What happened, you crazy girl?I see dewdrops on your lashes...The dust got in my eyes...Come on. Are you going to lay down like a cow or fight?Let's go!Let s go!You hit my brother from his heart!Here is my heart!Your brother got what he deserved.It s your turn now.The tunnels blew up, sir.What do you mean?-They did, sir.What are you saying?All of our soldiers were there, sir.The tunnels turned into their graves.We will step back.We are going back!There are no survivors.All infidels died.-It was a clean death for them.Cerkutay got dirty a bit but...It’s good.Maybe he washes himself this time.
I just washed myself.I was passing through a frozen lake. The ice was broken and I fell into it.It was a few springs ago.All of the dead soldiers will be buried according to their religious obligations. We will talk to the priest.EyvAllah my Bey.Let's go and see Osman Bey. Let's go!We are going back!We are going back!Why are we stepping back?We could have defeated them! But Osman blew up the tunnels.Thank You, Ya Rabbi.Thanks to You.Thanks to You saved my life, Osman Bey.Alps of two tribes united and we put the infidels in their places Alhamdulillah.-May our union be everlasting.-May it be.
قسط دیکھنے کے لیے نیچے اسکرول کریں اور watch here پر کلک کریں، شکریہ ۔
The game is ruined! Infidels got drowned in their own blood.Sogut, where they came to destroy is now their graveyard!We are showing more effort each day, and our victories scare the infidels!Our way will be the way of victory, and our names will be Victors until the religion is Islam and until the state belongs to Turks!Allah-u EkberlAllah-u Ekber!poriff al dead soldiers.1Olen nokerlerimizin kullerini al.Dark shaman Togay...Sana o.l®rs<pfesenting’vou Ws6ulsnuy°r of brave soldiers who died.Erlik Han...Erlik Han...Erlik Han......accept them.Kabul et....accept them....accept them.0.Nikola s soldiers were buried alive in the tunnels.-How?-The flying flame.I couldn't learn how Osman found it out.With the help of someone from Nikola s castle, for sure.Osman took my soldiers' revenge.Nikola's soldiers died.
He will need my soldiers even more after this defeat.Just like the soil needs rain.Lord of Yarhisar can not give up paying taxes to Seljuq as he is weak.He knows that the taxes of Seljuq goes to Geyhatu.He trusts Nikola.He has no power to stand against the Khans of Khans.What are we going to do, Togay?We will see if the heads of Commanders I sent opened Nikola's eyes.If he is still blind, we will go and wake Nikola up from the sleep in which he dreams of victories.Osman Bey is coming!Osman Bey is coming!Osman Bey is coming!Thank you.Thanks to our Rab. They came back with a victory, my Gonca.Thanks to Allah, my Bala. They are alive and well.
Hay MashaAllah, my sons...It's such a great victory thanks to my Allah...You ruined infidels' game, Osman Bey. Thanks to Allah, He blessed us with you.-EyvAllah.-HAQQ is with the ones who walk on His way.What happens if enemies surround someone who is accompanied by HAQQ?What can happen? A disaster Kumral Abdal!You are now in our tribe, you will see many victories inshaAllah.Thank you. Thank you.