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Kurulus Osman EPISODE 127 Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5

Writer: SherazSheraz

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

The start of this Episode is amazing that you cant stop yourself to watch th whole Episode

This is Episode No 127(29th) of Kurulus Osman and Episode No 29 of Season 4 of Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5.We will fight.We can not lose.We will continue.Damn itHow could they lose Kopruhisar?Are Byzantium's soldiers carrying these swords for pride?If those who cannot even fight control the castles and not Commanders this is inevitable, Commander Seth Commanders must know their limits first.Are Lords who can't even protect their castles speaking?There is no need for you to be afraid now!The glorious Commanders of Byzantium who has witnessed dozens of wars are with you.Lords must not be afraid of us.Turks are the ones who must be afraid of us.Commander Matheus. You were there when the armies were turnirq the tribes.We also attacked the suppliesLord Valens sent from Konya.How could Osman do that?You must have underestimated Osman.And it costed us Kopruhisar!Does Osman have the Lord of Kopruhisar?

No, LordKopruhisar s Lord Petrus is not in the hands of Osman ... .he is in my hands.Leon.Look at what those Turks did to us.I will scratch the eyes out of the ones who gets ... .a wink of sleep before taking its revenge.My friends.iThose who dream of taking their revenge from us.... will ask for mercy when they wake up Or they will face our swords when they wake up This is what the sleep of carelessness is like brother. It is deep No one would expect us to take Kopruhisar.Kopruhisar s conquest....will always be the symbol of our victory Osman Bey What is your target now?Apparently, your men has turned it into a race.Is that so?My sons ..So you are cur ious about my moves Tell me now. Where are we walking?We both have different ideas, father Tell us where you will walk, so we will know who the winner is.Brothers! Protect our Shahzades!Stop there..Stop there..i PiliuIf this arrow..... did not belong to us. ....then... It would catch us, it would not be on the ground.. My sonsThink of where I II go before I come back.Let's see who will win.Boran Alp... Where are they taking my father?

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I know dozens of secrets my Bey keeps, Orhan Bey.But I don t have that secret.M, Fathi f says (I is sviit rn if among us, but who is it?Osman went too far.Kopruhisar, where Osman conquered was our sacred land, Lord Valens Did our letters arrive in their places7 Yes, Lord Valens My cousin Arthur in Teseri gathered an army from the most barbaric men.They are coming.What about you, Commander Seth? My friends in Midin answered my letters.The armies are ready. Lord Valens They are coming to be filled with blood.Good.We saw that Osman won t stop... even if we burn his tribe....or attack his supplies which are being sent to him The only way to stop him is to cut his head off.We will do that!<1We will build a quarters at Kartalgozu to welcome those armies.This duty is yours.What will Osman’s next target be?If we know this, it will be easy for us to cut his head off.I am listening to youIf., he approaches the Kester Castle it will kill him.My soldiers in Lefke are on alert.Byzantine’s great Commanders.Where will Osman's next target be?

When I look at the places Osman conquered on the map....he wants to prevent the connection between the lower part of Marmara with Bursa.This is a real soldier.Kopruhisar was the place where came the closest to this.He wants to complete this and get rid of Byzantium on these lands.That's why his next target will be Koyunhisar If he also conquers this place, the connection between Bursa and Izmk will be destroyed.Byzantine s great Commanders.....Lords. ... that s why you will take measures in your castle.Brothers of Consul, gather all your soldiers.Commander Minos Commander Seth.When the armies come, not a single Turk will survive on these lands.Working together or being a union is not enough.We will swear on Jesus.Priest!Until we have rest in the shadow of the banner of Christ Until we have rest in the shadow of the banner of Christ We will burn the infidels with the sun of God We will burn the infidels with the sun of God Until heaven is ours..Until heaven is ours.... .we will make them live in hell!. .we will make them live in hell!-We swear!We swear!-We swear!We swear!-We swear’We swear.

Episode is going on very interesting read more

Selamun aleykum.Aleykum selam Osman Bey.-Aleykum selam Osman Bey.Thank you. You may sit, Osman Bey. May your Kopruhisar conquest be blessed Osman Bey EyvAllah. EyvAllah.We learned the places of all passages with your help. Thank you.Where is your target now Osman Bey?Our target is always KizilElma.But .. if you are asking me about near future. ... I am thinking of a place to send Byzantine away from the frontiers.That castle is really hard to conquer.When did we ever want the easy one?Let Byzantine send its armies on us We will crush them with our steel chests.i ns’f *’ill ch.’Jcvc &cctic Osman Bey.This is the war between Haqq and the falsehood.Even if you stop they will always attack you.But. we can never make peace with the falsehood That can only make us regress. Who is coming?Lord Valens has called everyone who can fight with swords.And moreover... Two cruel Commanders...They have the blood of a thousand valiants on their hands We will cut the hands of the ones whose hands are covered with blood.But., if you are telling me to behead the ones...leading the army... then I will also do that eyvAllah.I understood the Commanders.What about other names?The men in Lord’s other troopThe ones in the council always take precautions and hide.However, you are the ones that are masters of hiding.

There's no one else that are more skilled at hiding than you.Now tell me., how will they ever hide from you?Now, the evil does not hide nor it reveals itself Osman Bey.No more politics, there will be only war.Without they have their army, without them gathering a great alliance.So you say it is hunting timeIt is hunting tune for Gokboru.We will drown those who has come to shed our blood, with their blood.Valens and his associates.I will hunt them allAnd Koyunhisar will be my hunting ground.Do not worry.I will kill them all.May Allah be with you -EyvAllah Osman Bey. Kara Ebe (Dark Midwife)?My girl Alcicek, I have good news You are pregnantAre you sure Kara Ebe?-Will I be a mother now? Yes.And Aktemur will be a father?-InshaAllah.MashaAllah Alcicek.When Aktemur hears this..What happened7 Alcicek, are you alright?Good news.Alcicek is pregnantIt is twins thank Allah.Alcicek, I am so happy congratulations May Allah grant them healthAameen.Thank you.

Now I have to go to the tribe They were waiting tor suppl es tor tarred tents.And I have to tell my mom and Aktemur the good news.Of course, but not alone. I will give a couple soldiers by your side.There is no need. The valiants wait for me in the square Still, better safe than sorryGokluce.My children.1 1 I i*Valiants we will march to war.Our goal .Is Koyunhisar.Kopruhisar has allowed us to take control of Iznik road InshaAllah conquest of Koyunhisar will allow us to take control of road to Bursa -InshaAllah.InshaAllah.InshaAllah Bey however, we would've send spies if you said so Aktem-Has our spy arrived yet7He will be here soonAs I ve said to Aktemur before..We had a spy in Koyunhisar.My Bey.My Bey are you laying your eyes on Koyunhisar Without conquering Kopruhisar first?If only you knew the things I lay eyes on, the things I dream.Then you wouldn t be able to sleep EyvAllah-Tell me now.-BevThe blows we got have made them quite happy.

They organized a celebration, however, the conquest of Kopruhisar was devastating They withdrew all of the soldiers from villages and around to Koyunhisar The Lord must ve arrived to Bursa in a hurry, they will be waiting for us.And these are maps, Bey.They will waitThey will waitThey will get scared.They will not be able to sleep.They will be scattered.However, when they least expect it .Koyunhisar will be Turk soil.However, before that we have another thing to do.Before Koyunhisar, they want to unite and kill us.We will walk on them first• i* - y .Bey.Bey, our scouts have sent words Esrigun Hatun is on the frontiers.She is coming into Yenisehir.Valiants.We are heading to Yenisehir.All power to your elbow.All power to your elbow.-Can I have this? Yes, of course.Power to your elbow. -Thank you, welcome Thank you.This IS silk.-The good one7The best one indeed.Thanks to Osman Bey, you can t find bad goods in Yenisehir.So Osman Bey treats you well.What is the situation of shopkeepers?He doesn't stop after the war, and always thinks of his people.

If you reached here reading this then you have understand that how interesting this Episode is

He always has his hand on us.Shopkeepers are always at his side, thanks to Allah for Osman Bey You praise Osman Bey so much, however..-That is not what I’ve heard -What did you hear?Tell me. What did you hear about Osman Bey?They say he's a stargazer .d id hi pots his ptoiple hi trouble by having bigger dreams beyond his power.Obviously, you heard about him from the enemy.Don’t believe every word you hear.You say what I heard isn t true hatun?Isn't Osman Bey having a dream that is too heavy for his people's shoulders?What is the dream that is too heavy for people s shoulders?Nayman on one handLord of Bursa, on the other.And Konya.. You have defeats every day and keep bleeding.But you still keep fighting.-Your words have gone too far, hatun.You dare to talk just because you are ignorant.I don't know where you came from, but this is the frontiers Wherever you turn here you face an enemy.You'll see how I dare to talk like this when you get to know me.Ydl arc Es-rigjn HatunAnd you must be Malhun Hatun.What are you doing here7 We were expecting you in the mansion.I wanted to see people s thoughts about Osman Bey.You know...You are dependent on Seljuks and Seljuks are dependent on us.ForumKa yi.comCelali.Send messengers all around the Seljuk State I will take my throne back.I want to gather all the warriors who are loyal to me.As you order my Sultan.

When our soldiers arrive in the frontiers, ..we will make those who dethroned you pay for it.I swear I will wipe them out.Those living with my mercy. .will live with my wrath soon, mother.For the army to be recruited, I II demand troops from Lord and Nayman Lord pledged friendship to Sultan Mesud LLiLi uiol A qcqc^d | m ueuiAcs, We’ll build our victory on our own, my Sultan.And then we'll make the undisciplined frontiers kneel. ....and take out the heart of Osman who encourages them!No son of Osman will... .have the throne or even survive’ But first......I will punish them for betrayal.Both Bengi and Alcicek survived the tribe raid.Karavul is after them.When he brings Alcicek,..I will punish both Bengi and Alcicek.....with my own hands.Valide Sultan wants her alive.Alps, we re under attack1Take cover’Alps protect Alcicek Hatun!Come on, attack!You can t escape this. Valide Sultan is awaiting you.Both you and your mother are going to pay for your betrayal.-No running for traitors’ Surrender. You are the traitor.Ismihan you serve like a dog is the traitor1 -Both your mother and you will die Go after her1Osman Bey, welcomeMay Allah be pleased with you -Thank you Thank you.Long live Osman Bey!-This way1Follow her trails!Come on!This way come on!Come on.



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Masha Allah Boht Khoob. Allah Pak Ap ko is ka Ajar Ata Farmay. (Ameen)


Abdullah Rajput
Abdullah Rajput
May 28, 2023
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May 26, 2023

AlpArslan Episode 57 Urdu Subtitle main upload kar den PLEASE...


May 26, 2023

جناب الپارسلان کی قسط بھی اپلوڈ کردیں بہت پہربانی ہوگی آپ کی۔شکریہ


May 25, 2023

kb tak aaiga episode??


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