Kurulus Osman Episode 2 with Urdu Subtitles
Updated: Dec 2, 2019
This is Episode number TWO of Kurulus Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles. Clear the way! Get out of the way’ Clear the way’ Get out of the way’ Answer my questions That you've saved my life doesn't matter, I can still kill you What are you doing here Did you kill the Governor9 What Governor9 What are you talking about9 As a Turk what are you doing here7 You nearly killed him Ertugrul's son Osman What the hell are you doing? How did you come up here9 Ertugrul Bey s son the famous Osman, huh9 He is skillful like his father They say, "A wolf's offspring becomes another wolf Do what you have to do I ll take care of him Job 26:7 [ Bible verse ] Job 26:7 [ Bible verse ] He puts north in nothingness " He drops the earth in nothinoness. Glorify him 1 The sun and the moon, all the gleaming stars 11 104:6 He wore the headwaters like a dress And the water was standing on the top of the mountains Absolute thanks to my Lord Allah is the greatest We also need to find what our master mentioned. I've found it IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MERCIFUL Indeed, We have given you, [O Muhammad], a clear conquest" Surah Al Fath [48:1] Thank Allah Thank Allah Now that the Governor is dead there must be a panic We don't have much time Come on hurry up We need to take him out now Ya Bismillah! (in the name of Allah ) You couldn't protect your Governor You turned his castle into a grave for him Damn you, Commanders None of you have been like Osman Damn it Answer me’ How could you not take precautions9 How could you not’ In this castle, there is no traitor who means to kill our Governor Ne were his sons We would risk our lives for him We'll question everyone in the castle We'll make everyone talk Where was the Governor? With whom was he? We'll learn everything. He was in his room I sent Helen to his room to call him After I notified our Governor with our offer5 he took action. But before I went into his room, I saw Ertugrul s son Osman leaving his room. What did you say? Are you sure that he was Osman? Yes, sir It was Ertugrul's son Osman. ueuiso Search the whole castle right away, Andreas Get all the Commanders into the act! Search for the whole castle! Come on I hear footsteps Don t worry He!ll wake up soon He has a heart that could dare all the world He'll take care of himself Let's go You're entrusted to Allah Let's go Come on come on hurry up* Run Hurry up Inform the Commanders Osman is in the castle I promise you I will find Osman, and we will be settled down. I told you the stars would help us tonight Commander Kalonoz, Commander Kalonoz’ Osman is in the Sofia s starry room’ Starry room9 III catch him, Sofia What is Osman doing there9 The holy entrustment' You killed our Governor, you bastard.
The killer of the Governor is the most innocent one of you Run’ Catch Osman Catch him before he exits the castle* Damn it we missed him1 The Governor is dead’ Where are you, my Bey9 Where are you, my Bey9 Aag A|/| My Bey, drink water Catch your breath. I worried about you when the bells ringed The governor is dead I am held responsible for it What are you talking about, my Bey9 We need to find somewhere to hide immediately Let s go to Mario's place my Bey You thought it well Don t let anyone stop you kill them all' Okay Let's go They took the holy entrustment and the treasure’ Damn it Forgive my sins, god Inform Master Yannis right away Sofia, Master Yannis would make both of us pay for this. How could we explain this to Master Yannis5 huh? We couldn't enjoy the governor's death, now we sorrow for this. ubujso I ll bite your lungs out with my teeth. ueuiso Apparently no one saw us Nobody is around pray to thank to Allah when we arrive in our city You need to depart early in the morning Worft you come? The war has just started daughter The ones who serve to the devil will take action The Governor has been killed things will go crazy here 6Ae^o si uewso noA og What if he couldn't get out9 Thank my LordNe have found Ahi Evren s treasure, which was kept by the enemy We have the blessed treasure of Ahmad Yasawi Thank Lord I wonder, my Bey Who do you think killed the Governor9 I don't know brother I don t know However I know something The Governor was killed by his closest ones You are right, my Bey Governor nursed vipers in his bosom Why did they kill him9 Because he made peace with us They couldn't accept this. They want to end the peace and fight again Who are those bastards my Bey9 As they arranged such an ignominious assassinate It must be a secret organization.
A secret organization that is everywhere in Bithynia They took advantage of the fact that my father is in Konya We should send men to the tribe my Bey Kalonoz must have done it already. Their aim is to disorder the tent by using me. My brothers, we are under attack from two sides The woman who masqueraded as a priestess She is our salvation If we find her we ll find both the murderer of the Governor and . the traitors in the castle Did you that devil9 The ground swallowed him up, dajjal Turk! Unless you find Osman, we can’t breathe in this land' rII find him Swear to god I'll find and kill him myself’ It's not easy to find him He must come with his will How9 He is a Turk who risked his life for the Governor If we capture someone from his blood . he'll give in to save him Devil took the possession of the whole castle tonight Sometimes you need to get help from the devil to keep up We ll take an entrustment from Dundar Bey And that entrustment will make Osman be revealed And because of Osman the tent will be troubled I'll send my most trusted man And the agreement will be infringed Ertugrul's son Osman who killed our Governor has infringed the agreement Everyone should hear and believe that Osman has committed this murder Everyone should know how Kayis treat their friends Can I Uncle9 Come in Gunduz Bey Is there any news from Osman9 We searched everywhere, uncle But nothing is up I don't understand what his aim is Sometimes he saves the day sometimes he spoils the day This has gone too far Dundar Bey Ertugrul Ghazi should know what happened You should send a letter that tells what happened in the tent, Dundar Bey You need to report Osman s situation My aunt is right What would we do if my father came to the tent and asked where Osman is9 Ahh Osman ah. Look what you've done to me But, you gave me no option.
You didn't. Selamun Aleikum, Dundar Bey Aleikum Selam Bamsi Bey Here sit down Thank you Long live, Dundar Bey Osman Dundar Bey where is he9 It's been a while but Osman is not around The enemy is waiting for a gap What if they hunt Osman down like my Ay bars? We were going to ask you, Bamsi Bey, I am not Bey son The Bey is Diindar Bey He needs to know what is going on If something happens to Osman, how can you explain it to my Ertugrul Bey huh9 Huh'? Brother Gundiiz9 Huh'? Uncle Dundar9 I wish my Ertugrul Bey had come so that the tent could be in order Send Alps (men) for Osman Gundiiz Bey They shall not come back without his trace Will you send the letter, my Bey9 My Bey, I'm talking to you What should I tell to my brother^ huh9 What should I tell9 Should I tell him that I couldn t take care of Osman9 Won’t he ask me that how will you deal with the tent while you can t even take care of Osman? Is Governor Yorgopolos dead9 Yes, sir So why are you silent as the snow on the Olympios Mountains, Megela9 Sir, the runner that Sofia sent brought you a letter Read it Read Megela read'
What is written in the letter9 The holy entrustment and the treasure are stolen from the sorcery room It happened in the Yorgopolos1 scene Who did know the place of the room that the secret is hidden, huh9 How did they learn this, Megela how9 Who did this9 Ertugrul Ghazi s son Osman A shepherd Turk has spoiled everything’ Osman Osman, Osman Get my horse ready we are going to Kulucahisar Castle Yes, sir What happened to this store9 Everything's messed up You can't even rely on your helpmate God damn you all1 Who are you9 What are you looking for9 Don't take it personally man You II work for us today Let’s finish this Okay, my Bey, The carriage is ready It is time to depart.
They'll wait for you outside of the castle I charged the soldiers in the gate If someone asks you something don't talk Those soldiers will save you May Allah help you, Dursun Bey May my Lord make you the victorious in this cruel land Thank you, daughter Thank you I respectfully kiss my master s blessed hands. I hope he wouldn't forsake his prayers from this poor man Tell him we need his favour and breath Master Dursun Is there any news about Osman9 He is missing, for now He is Osman, son of Ertugrul No one could know where and when he could show up May Allah help you, Dursun Bey Amen May Allah help you Folks’ Last night our governor Yorgopolos was murdered’ May God take him to his heaven The killer of our governor is Osman Bey, son of Ertugrul from the Kayis’ The killer of our governor is Osman Bey’ We know that the killer is in our castle Whoever helps him, dies with the whole family' Our governor, Yorgopolos was murdered’ What's in the cart9 It's extra-virgin olive oil Good, open it so we can see then It can't have sunlight, they will be wasted soldier. It's olive oil Enough' You'll make me starve in winter I said open it* Please, I m going to be hungry with my children Just leave it, are we going to find Osman in a barrel of olive oil9 Come on What are you waiting for5 move’ May God spare you for your children Open the gate1 Thank you, my Allah! Victory is ours’ We are near the church, my Bey. Shall we come with you9 You do as I ordered I will enter the church alone, I will see you soon Greetin s Priest.
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Welcome to the house of God, strong warrior of Jesus Christ I wish everyone could have the strength to handle the hardships like our Lord Jesus Christ. All prophets are embodiments of faith It is not easy to be like our Lord Jesus Christ How lucky you are Master Priest5 to spend your life in a sanctuary like this away from all the sins the filth out there This is the first time I see you here Because it's my first time here Do you know the face of everyone from your community9 Our church community is fewer in this age Most of them chose to become a Muslim because of the Turks Old people usually visit here but when I see younglings, I don't let them go. That's why I couldn't recognize you I m looking for a nun She is a very important person for me. If you tell me her name, maybe I can help I don t know her name How could I help you if you don't know her name? Black eyebrows, hazel eyes about this height Son, there must be so many nuns with these descriptions What is that secret of her that made you chase after this nun? I owe her my life I'd like to pay my debt Does she have little freckles on her face9 I co You re talking about our church's mary Nevodaka She lives in a shrine out of the city I will describe the place for you Are you sure9 Look, son. Listen to me carefully now Burqin Enough' Don't you see the rage inside you poisons you too9 First Aybars5 now his men Who knows to what trouble he dragged them now This tent lost its soul, it's happiness because of him Who knows how many men will die because of him Aygul' And you are still worried about him.
Thinking about him Don't you know how Osman is poisoning you in the first place9 One day, you will also be in big trouble because of him I know you are hurt You feel the pain in your bones But you put the blame on Osman, forgetting about the will of Allah I will regard the trouble coming from Osman as an honour* You should know that Of course I know that My Aybars is a martyr But this doesn't explain Osman's recklessness1 No need to talk more if your heart burns like mine does now, you will understand Good day to you' Burcin Hatun! Burcin Hatun! Don't come There, Dundar's daughter, let's finish this before the guards notice anything Come on You still hate Osman Don’t forget that he went to avenge the man you loved He took my lover from me, Aygul You are still talking about revenge He will burn your heart just like he has burnt mine What do you want9 What are you doing here9 Osman killed our governor He is trapped in the castle like a rat. We need bait to lure him out of his hole And that bait is you, Aygul Hatun’ With the Almighty Allah's 99 names, who creates everything with "be"... who fills our hearts with faith Brave men of the Great Oguz You all know about the circumstances in Bithynia These lands that we come in with my brother, Ertugrul Gazi s leadership hide their fruitful face from us It can t carry our weight anymore. After all this time both our tents and our herds grew in number There are many problems appearing in every tent every tribe Some of us are far from the water some of us lack the pasture And there are bandits caravan ambushers, too Because of all these reasons, we have been searching for a remedy for our troubles. This remedy is alliance [Man 2] That's right Thus we have signed a trade agreement with our neighbour Yorgopolos the Governor of Kulucahisar Both them and we will be the winners Our goods will be sold in Yenipazar too in addition to Sogut.
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What is it, Samsa Bey? You don't seem to be happy with the results Dundar Bey5 you say my brother but Ertugrul Gazi didn't come to this land calculating incomes And he brought us to strike to the infidels1 hearts, not to loot Moreover, we“ve come here to put the world in order under the wolf banner not to ride caravans’ Also, we can t be friends with infidels Brave Bey of Kayi’ I know how you are thrilled when you hear about the war and fight But don't you forget that lands can be taken with weapons but order can not be established with weapons Order needs coin, wisdom, and skill Samsa wants nothing but war, Dundar Bey You need order, not war, Nizam Bey Ovens become home homes become tents, tents become a country I've told you so many times to let us marry you, you didn't want it I have been fighting since I put this black weapon on my belt I called bed to eagle nests, I called blanket to the sky I became friends with hawks allied with wolves I know about your greatness and virtue, Dundar Bey But the only friend or lover of Samsa who can't stand still when he hears about fighting, is this weapon Let it be known like this. I've made my promise, I made my oaths, my marriage is with this And my wedding is with death Just because we’ve formed an alliance doesn't mean we've left our weapons like that, Samsa Bey.
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