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Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi EPISODE 34 Season's Fourth of Season 02 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5

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Updated: 6 days ago

Salahuddin Ayubi and His Interactions with the Boruler and Ghaznavid Tribes

This is Episode No 34 Season's 6th of Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. Jerusalem Is (he land where lesus Christ was born and died Christians will never give up I he only thing you can’t ghe upIs wur endless greed Ion shed blood because of that greedliai night of ascension he welcomed the last prophet [PBIH| hi (he sk> and said "nn brother" \l Quds witnessed exert thingAl-Quds is ours We uill nexer ghe up \I-Quds! kill him' What are mhi waiting iorQIsn't all this noise enough \ i/ier lladhrat9Isn't it time to hear harmonious \oicesQkill him' I nd this fight non I et our voices join the festival of abundancenouglV I \ acuate the square’ ka\ il amlh i \ coni 1 111 I 1 U)I\G 11 RklSII Si RII S PI \H ORMI hanks to \HalV Flic owner of (he most beautiful \oice the mountains (he stones(he sky the cloud has ever heard from Beirut to Cairo is coming*What song would you like me to sing \ i/ier Hadhrat9I would like to listen to \our famous \I-Quds song I ct lour \olce find the \ilcAll the wax to Al Quds - \s \ou Si\V I learned this song from a female poet in Beirut She uas a lover whose heart beat for Jerusalem I'he one whose heart beats for Jerusalemfust like us. I mir Selahattin hisufJust like us I ord Ballan

Historical Context

I will return to tour land. The poet said it beautifulk\\ hat significance lies in the tears of nix exes if xou gaze upon them9The beauty of Igvpt is enhanced bv the Mie's embrace Hie tears of I gvpt the \ileSir ue lost tuche men Ue left two patients there We are returning to the inn with the elexen people present We are talking about different things Maes’ Get lost’Hl|\ are you angry Q He tells how you stained the testixal of abundance with blood\ot me Dlrgam did it -You started talking too much huhQ-You deceixed us If 5 ou don't throw the child into the water how will he learn to swim9\ou are alive en|ov it If ton suri he the fight tomorrow morning Ion will see

he will open the embankments Before that you will witness the glorious Igyptian soldiers with hundreds of boatspassing from the opposite side to this sideI hen (he embankments waters dancing with enthusiasm If 5ou surxixe then \ou will see the festixal>our friend Is really quietThat's what Semse does Those who listen to her become mute She is best thing that has ex er happened to i gy pt after Goddess Isis\nd once she sings from her heart, she destroys eyeryone I saw I l/ar Hafi/a fall and faint when he heard her \oice\ot e\er\one has (lie chance Io see her or listen to herCome on Ilils I plsode Is Sponsored InBovdGroupcarrd co \\ ill 5 ou (ell me for nliom I broke nn oa(hQ?.l^ I u ill not forget lour fax or Semse

I Hill not let Shaxer forget eitherassure iou I might need \our help again SeniseI’ll do n\> best ^z=2^ You still haxen’t said xxIio the sxxord belongs toMx father V If von uere so local to hlm Hin did von leave your lands'*While iolkming the path that I know is rightI realized (hat I Has hurting others around me Who was (he person jou killed9\ friend of mine It still hurts olnioush Uli\ don’t ton reteal tour Identity and get out of hereQDlrgam is tour allv Ihat murderer is not nn allv Wh) don’t uni inform ZengPlou should prav for that llatun If she hadn't sung one of you yyould not be here It’s a good thing he didn't make 5011 fightI said it main times But I couldn’t make him listenlie thinks I am a dancer >ou are m> peacock Halil lime ulll come for tliat as uellHere you go lat well anti get plenty of rest\ \cry diflicult dav an alts von tomorrow It might be your last day1 see that you are wearing the Pharaoh's clothes again One can only be the Pharaoh until Moses comes Welcome Qadi la/il >ou honoured me What is your problem with God Hyesa0On the path you took to search for Himyou keep gathering Ills sortants1 thought He would appear after I gathered His servants but no news yet I he festixal started xxeil.

thanks to xou - This is our dutxBut the men In your hands are \er\ weak except for one or two I know I know This group didn't turn out well But I am still scare lllllgfhe opportunity you haye been looking for lias arriyed I haye (wo yery good fighters for you^ou are a great man Qadi la/ii1 wish you did not work for that damned ShakerI just work for I g\ pt Sure, sure Come on’ U here are those menQ-\t (he door I hex are waiting for xouHere rake it î hls issue lias gone on ior too long We need Io end it tomorrow Selahattin s capthitv endangered our entire operationUe want to save him but ne might lose I g\pt hi the end -Selahaddinis more xaluable than the treasure of Igxpt ShaxerDon’t forget that M\ 1 feudi -WhaP -I rom Qadi I a/il fhe\ found Selahaddin He uas among the fighter prisoners Ihev couldn't save him from there It is written that everything is as ne talked I he only inconvenience isa special Crusader unit joined (hem He hasn't found out where and how this union will be deployed yet He says eyerything should happen yyhen Dirgam is outside the palace If lie goes back to the palac and starts defending thereand if (his army, which has no clear position comesand leaxes us caught between two fireseverything yyill be ruinedI hat's enough1 I hat's enough you keep touching me.

What are you looking lor thereQEnough touching’ I am strong and powerful’ \s you sec’W here dkl von find this wild one9I he real crazy one 1s the other one He Ilves his life with his swordInn keeper Is (here a room for these warriors'*My rooms are hill If they can stay with the others. I'll let them inU hat are tlieseQ I collected It from the rubble of the burning madrasahIo ignite the stove -Hou can you do that‘? Hou can \ou burn a book**-Let me fight ulth him1 I et me fight with him’ I san him at the square’can beat hlm’ Make me fight him1 He is right’ 1 et him* I et him fight* 1 ea\e* Get up and fight*Did jou conic to sh here9 Did \ou conic to sit hcrcQ Get up*I e( me go’ -I ight» I et’s see your brayery! I e( us see1Let's see jour braxerV -Enough* Enough1 Move Sit down' Sit down1 Sit down’lour braven is as great as vour size But think carefulh It Hill be your first fight Our knight also fights wellDamn it Where Is that man9 Where Is that man?

W here did he go9Where is that manQ Where Is (hat man9 Maes1 Didn’t I tel! you to be careftiP Jonas escapedGather vour men and go after him now' Damn it Do \oii seet? am working with idiots' Don’t worry If necessary, I yyill tell the commanders They will find him before he gets far ayyay\i^na\ Come on sil doun ea( and drink Come on Tell me I low much money do you want for these menQHiere is no need then the time comes I Hill ask you a fay orMake me fight him’ Make me fight him1 Come onf Let me’ Let me do if Get up' Make me fight him' Make me fight him' Make me fight him* 1 et me go*Don't do it If i ou st^y ue might get out together Y ou are Yusuf fhis is unir well And 5011 are in g)pt non Good luckCome on

I learned this song from a female poet in Beirut She was a kner whose heart beat for JerusalemWhat happened Semse9 ^ou don’t seem alright am alright do not worry There has been a dream I’ve been seeing constantly since I came here Cairo from Beirut Something strange happened todaysaw that person Maybe someone yyho resembles him yery much M\ I feudi unfortunatelv ne couki not find himIdiots’ Idiots’ My I fend! yye checked every yyhere, but-Shut up’ Walk’ o o 5^% If I wanted a priest I would hate called one\ot a priest Count Hugh \rchbishop I did not come here to preach hut to share our problems\re tou afraid of death?

I m afraid about the ones I left behindh means \ou aren't reach \etking \malrik Did he send you to prepare me for the death9Right the opposite lie's sent you (he best doctor who is yyailing outsideI don’t want Ihat would offend the kingI eel relaxed a hll Tn to surrender I his is the biggest secret of standing strong against the death Some men resist e\en in the last breaththis could change the result^our worldly belongings will st^y In the world Your crown your throne 3 our landsthing of wurs will be shared among your inheritors^ou can make peace with (he death when \ou accept this bitter factSpeaking of inheritors Did I ou inform Kalian9 ks I told him I invited him to Ihelin Bui he dicin'! come Good decision ^ou can’t let a treacherous brother nho left i on alone here for 15 \earstake oxer the county of IbelinBallan isn’t a traitor Mat be not But he’s not a friend either\ou I can clearly see nho Is nx> friend and who is mv enen^our friends won't leave you aloneDon’t he worrying.

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