EPISODE 64 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2
Updated: 5 days ago

The story of Dirilis season 2 is going on without stopping at any point. Watching Season 2 with Urdu subtitles is amazing. This is Episode number 64 of Dirilis Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles. In the last Episode, you have watched that Noyan is back and Goncagul has tied up with Noyan. Noyan has some Evil powers to dominate the people under his command and he also used them against Gonchagul too. Roshan is getting ready for his marriage with Gonchagul.
He is thinking about what he has to wear in the event when he is going with Ertugrul and Hayman Mother for demanding the hand of Gul Bano. Roshan doesn’t know what to wear and he was getting ready like he is going to the battle. Later on, Noor gull tells him what to wear on this occasion. Babar is learning the knowledge and now his words are very worthy to listen. Sometimes he talks like a scholar. When Noorgul and Roshan ask about the wedding of Babar He again replied the same that his sword is his wife. Guldaro is ready to go to Erzurum and he is praising Shahnaz that she is a worthy wife of him.
Guldaro is going with his mother Hayma. Shahnaz wants to go with him but Guldaro refused that she is not in that condition to ride the horse so long. Taimoor is still angry with Roshni. He is not looking at her face. Roshni is begging to kill her but don’t do this with her.
Taimoor didn’t listen to her and ignore her. The family oh Mother Hayma is reached to Taimoor tent and they have done the marriage of Roshaan and Gulbaano. Baqir becomes another traitor to the tribe as he is thinking that he is fulfilling his loyalty to Maherdin.
He tells the secret of the tribe to Saedin Kopkek that Shaheer and Zuljaan are coming to tribe tomorrow. Kopek awarded him with gold. Kopek starts using Gonchagul against Noyan. He tells her to treat with Noyan like he was treating with Guldaaro. Noyan is in the lure of Gonchagul. The rest of Episode you will watch. Watch Dirilis Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles and Enjoy! Erzurum is the password for this Episode.