EPISODE 57 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3
Updated: 4 days ago
This is Episode number 57 of Dirilis Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. This Episode from the start has lot of battle in it. ٖ First ten minutes has very less minutes of dialogues. Visuilis was shocked when he see the there is not Sultan there but Dumrul is disguised as Sultan. When he see them he jjst attacked in them and the battle started. The soldiers of Ertugrul has an upper hand on Visuilis.Visulis is on the floor now and Ertugrul is about to kill Visuilis he rotate his sword but there was another attck on Ertugrul’s Army and the game has just changed. Ertugrul has get a shot from unknown archers who attack them. Who are those unknown archers this is a secret on this time but you will find out after some five minutes in this same episode.
After this unknown attack Ertugrul army has a big loss of lives. Ertugrul request to Noorgul to pull out his arrow. Noorgul dont want to do this because if the pull out arrow there will be a lot of blood losed. Then Noorgul pull it out. Zuljaan and Mr. Arif gets the news to Halime that Sultan is fine and Ertugrul is saved from the injustice of Ssaedtin Kopek. They tells him that Ibn-ul-Arabi comes in time and Allah saved him. Haime praise to Allah. They also tells Halima about all the situation and plannig that Ertugrul’s soldoers are disguised as Sultan soldiers and on the way to meet woth visulis in the battle field. The right hand man of Sultan comes to Saa ul din and tells him that Sultan wanted to see him. On the battle field Nikolas is waiting for Visuilis in another place. A soldier comes to Nickolas and tells him that Sultan has leave the han but securty measures are still on place.
Listening this Nickolas was wondered that of Sultan is not there then what is the reason of Safety measure. They are in doubt that maybe Sultan is still in the Han and Ertygrul deceived them. He made Governer Visulis and our sildiers go after them. He realized that we will attck the Han to kill Sultan. The soldier asks Nickolas that what we are going to do now. Nickolas straightly tells him that without waiting for Visulis we will attack on the Han. Sultan is also aware of that it would not take long before they realize that Ertugrul Bey has played a ruse on Visulis. As soon as they realize they will attck on the hanli Bazaar. Emir Saad ul din tell Sultan that he personally put all necessary measures in pace. He advidsed sultan to take more rest to expel this evil poison from his blood. Sultan just stands after listening this and he tells Kopek that he is completely fine now.
AbdulRehman is also injured on the battle field. Visulis ran away again. Ertugrul and his soldiers could not know that who are these archers. They are skillful archers. Ertgrul tells Gunkut and Dumrul to take care of wounded and get them to Han and reprt everything to Sultan what has happened here. Babar and Noorgul has to go with Ertugrul to follow Visulis. The commander of visulis tells him that the horses are on this way but Visuilis tells him that we are not running. Today if Ertugrul will die or me. This is my last battle and i will kill Sultan and he goes to the other way maybe towards Han to kill Sultan.
Nickolas and his soldiers who are aware that Sultan is still in the Han is ready to attack on the Han, They are finding a golden opportunity that their are very few soldiers in the Han but there is another soldier comes to inform that Kayi and Cavdar’s soldiers are galloping towards the Han. They are thinking that by the time we understand their game they have summoned the soldiers from their tribes. They are now superior in numbers than us.After all this calculations they reached on conclusion that they have no choice to return to the castle and they also pray to God that Governor Visulis safely return to castle too. Ertugrul is swirly wounded with the arrow and lose a lot of blood. They are behind visulis and Ertugrul finds out blood.
Ertugrul finds out they have to be careful because Visulis in not alone. Sultan is investigating about the poison he was given. He is asking from Aziz that what was happened when he was fainted with poison. Aziz tells everything that Saedtin Kopek arrest Ertugrul. Ibn-ul-Arabi comes but in view of your safety he didnt let Respected Arabi in. Sultan was surprised that Saedtin Kopek stops this blessed man. Aziz tell him that Ertugrul’s soldiers insistance the Arabi would have been forced to leave the bazar along with soldoers. This is enough for this Episode. Rest of Episode, you can watch on your screens. Password for this Episode will be announced when the Episode will be uploaded. Thank you very much for your support. Please watch the Episodes exclusively on will be our reward for our hard work. Passwrod for this Episode is VisulisDeserves. Watch and Enjoy! Thank you!