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EPISODE 56 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

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This is Episode number 56th of Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. there are no evil spirits dwelling in this Turk. How many promises and how many gifts… your Sultan has sent me, Ertugrul Bey? The message from my Sultan I will tell you verbally… and the gift that he sent you is in this saddlebag. Ogeday Han. Has your Sultan sent gifts to the Khan above all Khans, to Ogeday Khan… that can fit within that little saddlebag? This little saddlebag contains the fate of your Khanate. Ogeday Han. What did you do, Mergen? Did you get that letter?? P’P 3M All Mongol spies’ activities in the lands of this Beylik of Principality… are documented in there These are very important information. Alangoya. That letter must be promptly delivered to Gunalp Bey. To Gunalp Bey?

Why would we do that? That letter may endanger us, too. Ah, Merger) ah! You are a hunter, but you still didn’t learn how to set the bait. Our men will don the Seljuk’s liveries and deliver this letter to t?unalp bey. There must be a secret words of identification used between them and Konya. And, since our men will not know these words… Gunalp Bey will realize that they are Mongols in disguise. Then, he will go after them… in order to track down the spies. Good, and then? We ll steer our three men in opposite direction, in the meantime. And Gunalp Bey will swallow our bait. Thus, our primary mission will remain safely hidden. And moreover, all Gunalp Bey’s doubts in us will be removed as well. Make sure the letter is sealed again, properly. Chose three guards and send them to the fortress. Gunalp Bey will lie then in wait like a saber tooth tiger, ready to pounce on. Hurry up bait him without delay. Since when, the fate of Ginhis Khan’s Khanate rests in your hands, Ertugrul Bey?

I know that you are one great Khan who adheres to the code of laws. . [Yassa a secret code of laws set by Ghengis Khan] your father Genghis Khan has set up, Ogeday Khan. However, instead of bringing the towns to flourish… you ravage them and raze them to the ground. As an envoy of your tax-paying Sultan Giyaseddin. have you come here to lecture me, Ertugrul Bey? Your Sultan should be grateful to God that I have not destroyed… any of his towns, so far. We Muslims do not ravage and raze to the ground the cities we conquered. We bring prosperity to them instead. That is what makes our State a glorious one. We know that a State that is based on pillage and destruction… cannot survive for a long time. Such a State and its Army are condemned to inevitable ruination, sooner or later. Did you come to persuade me to accept your religion, Ertugrul Bey? In the first place, for thousands of years… both the Turks and we have known that… Tengri is the only one deity. And we’ve known that there was no more sublime being than him from the time immemorial. And I, sitting on the throne of my father, Genghis Khan… I am the only representative of the Tengri (Father Heaven)… down on Earth.

Now then, explain to me. how can the fate of my Khanate rest in that saddlebag? Your troops on our borders… do not adhere to the code of laws (Yassa) of Genghis Khan They are disregarding the promises you’ve given to our Sultan, too. For that reason, our Sultan has sent me to you as his envoy. He wants you to put a stop to this How much does your Bey reward you from the booty after the conquest? Hmph We go to the Holy Struggle for the sake of the Divine Approval. We don’t collect prizes. What booty can you even get from. . the famished lands of Anatolia, in the first place And, what happens to the countries that you conquer? Wherever you go, you bring destruction and fear. Your names will of course be erased from memory And our holy Daw’ah will be eternal. EvelAllahJas AllahJias willed it). You are comforting yourself with such nonsense… because your Bey cannot even feed you. But. don’t worry. . when our Khan comes into your lands… and if you are smart enough, you will also get your share of his riches. And you will turn into real warriors, too. Guards! Are you the Alps of Ertugrul Bey? We are, praise be to Allah (swt). And who might you be? I am Kutlubay.

I am also a Turk, like you. I’m one of the commanders in the Army of Ogeday Khan. What are you doing in Mongol Army, then? I want to conquer the world and to attain the glory and fame. There are many Turks like me in the Army of my Khan. From the mountains of Karakoram to Tabriz, the Turk’s Alps from all the tribes come to us. [Karakoram – Pakistan, India and China] EvelAllah, the Turkmen Alps in Anatolia are still honorable. They will also be willing to join the Army of Ogeday Khan. Every single Alp in Anatolia will become our soldier. Now. go get some rest. I will come again to talk to you some more. Is there permission, my Bey? Come in. Three messengers sent by Husamettin Karaca, have arrived, my Bey. Hah. Show them in. The door. You may come in. Welcome here, valiants^ What news do you bring me from Husamettin Karaca? Everything is written in this letter, my Bey. How dare you tell me that I disregarded my father Genghis Khan’s code of laws? Telling the truth is like a sharp knife, Ogeday Khan. Our Sultan has agreed to pay double the tax he already pays, as you wanted. In other respects, he wants to renew the peace treaty, as the grace period is due to expire. But. on the condition that you stop the violation of our borders.

On what basis and by what right you claim that… my soldiers showed disobedience to me, to Khan of all Khans, Ogeday Khan… and that they violated Genghis Khan’s code of laws (Yassa)? How will you be able to rule this great world, if… you are unable to control a handful of marauding soldiers at your borders Ogeday Han? Password for this Episode is Ertugrul1toOgeday2. My soldiers are loyal to me You and your Sultan are telling lies If you can’t prove what you’re saying… you will die by my hand, Ertugrul Excellent. Excellent. I’m so grateful to Husamettin Karaca, for writing… such a detailed account of the actions of Mongol spies at our border. You’ve come a long way without taking a break. You must be tired. Yes we are, my Bey. How was the water of the White River? We ve drunk plenty. It was pleasant. It was pleasant, was it? Good good Commander. Yes my Bey These valiants are tired from the travel. Take them to get some rest. And make sure to feed them well.

As you command, my Bey. Please, follow me. Beys. May you live long, my Bey. Ah. by the way… our waters in these parts are as much sought after as the water of Ak River. So make sure you drink plenty of it, too. Drink a lot. EyvAllah (we will), Bey. This way, Beys. Commander! Yes my Bey These are not messengers These are the Mongol spies. How did you discover that, my Bey? When I asked them, how the waters of White River were they should have said, it’s sweet-tasting from the soil. These are the words of identification between us and Konya. But, they didn’t know the right answer. Just give me mandate and I’ll put them all to the sword, my Bey. Hold on there, wait.

We won’t do anything to them as yet. We won’t even show that we have seen through their little ruse. Let them rest for now. Then we will simply follow them. I’m sure they will lead us to the nest of Mongol spies. Did you understand me? I did, my Bey. Open the door. Noyan himself is the witness that you are surrounded by a deeply rooted deception within. When we got close to your Army’s headquarters… a group of your runaway soldiers have attacked us.


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