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EPISODE 53 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

Writer's picture: GiveMe5GiveMe5

This is Episode number 53rd of Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. My beautiful son. Eat well, so you may grow up into a glorious Alp, In shaa Allah. Come here, my Gunduz. Come, sit here by me. Will you always look after us, now that our mother is no longer with us? Will you feed Savci, too? I will feed him, of course, my son. I will feed him And I will help you, father. I will feed and support both of my brothers. I will keep them safe. Hey Masha Allah, that s my brave-heart. Go on Father, my brother seems to have eaten enough. Most likely he ate enough, son, he must be full. Masha Allah to you. That is how such a brave older brother like you… feeds his younger brother. Well done, my valiant. And. well done to you too my valiant. My Sultan, the fact that Ogeday has sent Noyan as his envoy… doesn’t bode well at all. Their intentions are clear, Husamettin Karaca. We already agreed to pay our taxes, my Sultan. What more could they ask for? Mongols have reached the Danube River.

They already got hold of Desht-i Qipchaq and the Black Sea [Kazakhstan, southern Russia, Ukraine, to southern Moldavia] And now they are putting pressure on us. And there are those evil groups too, that take courage from them… and work hard, day in day out, in order to destabilize the Seljuk lands. Ogeday took it all into account, and will increase his demands accordingly. May Allah deliver us from their evil, my Sultan. Alps, my brothers! Be on the alert! These are dangerous times. We may be wise to err on the side of caution. Do you think that Emperor has landed us now with a new trouble? We wiU see it, brother, we will see it. Alps, be on guard. -As you order, my Turgut Bey Just to be on the safe side. I am the new commander of the Fort Bilecik. My name is Romanos. Welcome to you. -Welcomed Glad to meet you We heard that Ertugrul Bey has lost his hatun. I am here to forward our condolences to him and… to conduct peace negotiations.

Haa. What peace? Our Emperor has assigned me to deal with this matter personally. I would like to speak with Ertugrul Bey, if it’s convenient for him. Wait here. I will inform my Ertugrul Bey. My Sultan, Noyan is waiting to be granted an audience with you. Don’t you know how to pay obeisance to the Sultan Noyan? I am the representative of Ogeday Khan, the Khan above all Khans. If I am to pay obeisance to some person, then… that person must be greater than my Khan. And I do not see anyone here who deserves it.

What your Ogeday Khan wants… from me? My Khan’s requests are written in this letter. Bring it to me. How my Allah created you beautifully, praise be. My lion son. My valiant. Is there permission, my Bey? Come in, Turgut. What’s going on out there. My Bey, someone by the name of Commander Romanos has come. He would like to meet with youJ What does he want? He wishes to forward their condolences to you and to conduct peace negotiations with you. Easy, my lion. Don’t cry. My Osman. Don t cry. my valiant. Turgut, you and Bamsi meet with him and speak to him. You can explain the situation to me afterwards. As you command, my Bey. If you’ll excuse me. My valiant. See, my valiant, I didn’t leave you. I’m here. I stayed with you. Don’t cry, my brave-heart, don’t cry.

The kind of taxes your Khan requests would debilitate my State. If you were a fire, you could only burn a site of your size, Sultan Giyaseddin. Since you are Ogeday Khan’s protectorate, you are not obliged to be strong… but rather obedient subject I will accept the requests of your Ogeday Khan. I will pay double the taxes I’ve been paying so far. Of course you will Sultan Giyaseddin.j The survival of your State and your rule will depend on that. However I also wish to make a request of your Khan. What would that be? I want my own envoy to accompany you while you convey my response to your Khan. I have something important to tell to Ogeday Khan, too. I already pity that envoy of yours. So. who will be your envoy? Ertugrul Bey. Ertugrul? Husamettin Karaca will hand you my decree. May your journey go smoothly and without accidents. You are free to go now. I will be proud to have Ertugrul Bey as my companion on the road. However, take care that your requests do not infuriate Ogeday Khan. For, if Ogeday severs Ertugrul’s head, it would tear my heart out.

I convey my Emperor’s greetings and condolences to Ertugrul Bey. He wishes to express his great sorrow over the loss of his esteemed wife. EyvAllah (thank you). Commander Romanos. Our Emperor also sent this letter to Ertugrul Bey, extending his hand of friendship. We want to build a stable and lasting peace with you. Your Emperor has pledged peace to our Bey and our Sultan on every occasion he got. But he was always the one who undermined that peace by treacheries. Your peace offering has brought us nothing but deceit and bloodshed. Now, given that, how can you expect us to believe you, ha? Because of Mongols. What the Mongols have to do with your peace offering?

The Mongols have conquered the Crimea. They already hold the Black Sea under their jurisdiction. They will come to Baghdad any time soon. They will invade Anatolia from three fronts. Listen, there’s only you and us here. To protect Anatolia against the Mongols, we have to make peace. We are certainly familiar with what you are talking about. We, as the State, are putting our own measures in place. But your words are simply not enough to give us confidence in you In exchange for signing this peace agreement, our Emperor… will not create you problems regarding your relocation to Sogiit. You can relocate any time you want. It’s enough if you support us against the Mongols. Your Emperor should not be convinced that he has given us a favor. Sogut already belongs to us. It would be unseemly for us to turn down the peace offering. Have no quest on about it. However, Commander Romanos, if you ever give us a reason to doubt you… you will suffer unpleasant consequences.

Keep in mind that if you betray us one more time … you will be crushed under the hooves of our horses. May our peace be blessed. Then, in that case… may you have a safe trip. Osman, what a beautiful baby you are. He just fell asleep, hatun Do not disturb him. What is this resentment for. hatun. Masha Allah, how you keep this poor child safe. You treat this child with the same tender care, as his mother wou d. Perhaps you do not trust me? You brought the head of Ertugrul Bey’s enemy into his tent. Ertugrul Bey has faith in you. However, despite the fact that I did not give birth to Osman. I feed and raise him. I look after him as a mother. He’s for me like my own son. What’s the harm if I fondle him. why are you against it? Osman went hungry for quite a while. Regardless of how much I suckle him. he still needs his sleep. What’s the matter, hatuns? We were attending to Osman, Hayme Hatun May Allah protect him for you. In shaa Allah. Password for this Episode is OgedayKhan.


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