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EPISODE 52 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5

Writer: GiveMe5GiveMe5

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

This is Episode number 52 of DIrilis Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Show us their tracks. Hah. show us their tracks. Hah, show us their tracks, ow us their tracks, Allah here are you, my bey? y bey. my bey. no There’s no sign of them o tracks! Nothing! here’s no sign of them!

My bey is gone and there are no tracks undogdu Bey. e’re just wandering around in the dark now we can’t give up. o. my bey, but he dawn inevitably follows night t that right, brother? Je can’t give up hope now. e won’t give up hope ery good, my bey Very good. on’t give up. I won’t give up. my bey omeone’s coming, my bey! undogdu Bey! Gundogdu Bey! unduz Bey’s found something ood Let’s go. quickly!

My Bey. the dawn is inevitable, st as you said my Bey. Hah willing, let’s go! Let’s go! elcome, Turgut. ffere am I? here am I. ? u’re far away and you’re close. s neither yesterday: nor tomorrow. u’re here. Turgut. ^hy are you planting a rose? as told we have many mart rs. i planting noses along their path come a martyr? martyr is a witness. you don’t know what you’re itnessing, then this is not your time. hen you see it. u won’t have any questions. hat is. instead of asking questions, u’ll ‘simply,-enjoy the gifts of Allah. their time.cfomes, liurgut. That does tffat mean?

our roots are still to be uried and watered. rose will grow tall and bloom caring hands. ut those who seek uproQtiit will feel its thorns. u were once a heartbroken, phaned child. Hah raised you up, nd made you his warrior. ou became an alp rose to ost importantly of all, ou shed your blood on the battlefield the wars against our oppressors. here will be more battles to fight. d more1 tyrants to kill s there are still those ho would seek to uproot Allah’s cause. falls upon you to pierce (skin with your thorns.

I've billed many enemies the field of battle is time I am very dly wounded, my teacher hat plant or medicine uld heal me this time? ledicine and plants re only the means, Turgut. thing happens without Allah’s will braham was thrown into fire. re so hot,it would melt steel. ut because Allah did net wish it, e fire didn’t burn Abraham. he fiife would have a t since Allah did not wish it.

The knife did not cut Isaac w, without Allah’s will… at wound cannot kill you. me, liurgut. rink so e water. fresh your roots. ater is mercy. blessing. is Glean and it cleanses. e name “Hayy” means who gives life te everything”. rink in his name, Turgut. •euueu siy ui smtllahirrahmamrrahim. h Allah, you bring the day and the night. u light up the sky with the stars. ith your unlimited power, u can create anything u help with our hardships ou have a solution for every problem.

Everything belongs to you hen Eyyub was hurt, his family ared that he would never recover m such grievous wounds. ut Eyyub himself did not give up hope nd reached out to you. u were the one who healed him. ow heal this brave man o was willing to give his life… the fight for your holy cause ay to me so that I may answer”. ease answer our prayers. the name of your messenger ease accept our prayers. d in your wisdom act upon them. ccept them, oh Allah! ccept them! hat is it, my brave man. hat have you found? is is a piece of my father’s kaftan. u are right. one of our fabrics owever. somebody might have planted this lead us in the wrong direction 1y bey.

We cannot know for sure less we follow the tracks to the end ertainly. we ll follow them e will follow them. are the one th power and might on’t let us yield to our enemies s not your wish… life won t leave a body our path… ave no fear of death. rant me the opportunity venge our martyrs… r killing my brothers ay I enter llbilge Hatun? ome in, Abdurrahman Alp. re the horses ready? ey are, llbilge Hatun.

He will go out to look. hall come with you. ge Hatun… would be better if you stayed the camp for the tribe s sake. Albasti should arrive. ne of us will be here. could get ugly Ibasti won’t come to the camp he has Ertugrul Bey here is no point in waiting here e this. nceforth. ave to take on responsibility, too. undogdu Bey is searching everywhere ith his alps. der these circumstances, could be dangerous for you to go that as it may. Abdurrahman Alp, ere is no more time to waste er all the things ugrul Bey has done for us… m ready to give my life. right, Ilbilge Hatun. at is what you think… s head out at once. ay / enter Sister?

Sirma. e alps have gathered. ey’re readying their horses. here are they going? hey are going to look for Ertugrul Bey ill go with them. o, Sister on’t come back until you find him keep an eye on the camp on’t you worry. ke care. ke care, Sister ke care. e mindful on the road. hey will be looking for Ertugrul erywhere If I don’t firfSMiim alive en I get there… en you won’t be alive, Albasti.


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