EPISODE 45 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2
Updated: Apr 11, 2022
This Episode is very emotional for me. İn the previous episode, you watched that Shahnaz was kidnapped by Afrasiyab. When the news reached to camp. There were some emotional scenes. Ertuğrul is on his journey. On the way, he learns many important things to be a leader. He learns the other things also instead of battle only.
Halime was worried about Shahnaz but everyone had no care about her. You will see in the Episode that Shahnaz would’ve reached to Noyan or somebody save her on the way. Tangut catches a soldier of the tribe.
What Noyan did with the soldier. Roshni and Taimoor are doing fool jobs again. Maher Deen, Aaliyah and Gonchagul, this whole family is doing bad things.
Hamza is still a traitor or he is back to his senses now?? What problem have with Tahir. Mr Arifstarted a new mission with whom? Guldaro told hamza secret to whom? You will all watched in this episode. Enjoy! Thanks for watching. salam is password for this Episode.