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EPISODE 42 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5

Writer: GiveMe5GiveMe5

This is Episode number 42 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. My loyal daughter. Translated by Melisa One State can rise only if illuminated by the light of the Noble Qur’an and in the shade of the sword, whetted to a sharp edge. that will preserve it. What is this place? This fortress is the conquest of Sultan Alaeddin Alanya fortress. [between Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea] It is the symbol of the most glorious golden age of Seljuks. This here is the apex at the end of a challenging slope . Noble Qur’an, glorious banners and a sword, whetted to a sharp edge… are the roots of the Platanus tree of our Resurrection. Every Oguz clan will be a branch of this Platanus tree. . and you and your descendants will be its trunk, In shaa Allah To receive the glad tidings of the birth of a new State, while standing in this fortress… that was the symbol of the most glorious age of another State… what a great blessing this is. The Grace belongs to those who know how to take responsibility… in the path of Allah’s Dawah. It belongs to those who would willingly risk their lives for His cause.

We turned our wind-maned mares toward the horizons.. We are waiting for permission to illuminate the new era with lightning bolts coming from our branches. Still waters are troubled. The time has come to gush forward like a river and break the barrages. You have a fast cantering horse that will breach horizons. You have the black steel sword that will bring oppressors to their knees. You have the wisdom that will spoil traitors’ traps. And you also have the blessed bloodline that will… surpass your own boundaries. and spread across all the rivers, beyond all the seas. What is stopping you Ertugrul Bey? It is time for a new resurrection with “Bismillah” on your lips. Ya Allah” Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim [In the name of Allah swt. the Merciful and the Compassionate] Keep me and my descendants always on the path of the righteous. Grant me and my ancestors to be standard-bearers forever… in the Holy Struggles against the oppressors. O my Lord (Rabb) let our hearth and home … become the hope for the entire realm of Islam.

May our pristine tent be a refuge for all those who are oppressed Let the glorious Platanus tree that we have planted last through to post-eternity. O my Lord, make us so powerful and so stout-hearted, that… there would be no innocent left we did not show our affection to. . nor a tyrant, whom we did not force to bow his head in submission. Amin This mirror is very charming, sister Hafsa. I’ll take this one for Aslihan. May she look at her reflection. praising Allah for her a beauty. I have a mirror, sister Sirma. May you live long Don’t say that. Sooner or later, that one will shatter because of your beauty. And. you can keep this one as a spare. Take it. Sirma Hatun. may Allah bless you. We’re glad we came here. It will do a lot of good to children. Don’t mention it, Hafsa Hatun? But we didn’t get anything for Aybars. These traders don’t sell books. It’s all right, Sirma sister. I get plenty of books when we go to Konya. My Aybars Khodja, where did this Konya idea come from?

My father would like me to be an Alp but I wish to study science. So. we found the middle ground, in the end With my father’s consent, I will go to Konya to study . and eventually become both. a man of knowledge and an Alp. I believe your father will give you his consent. Your father loves you so very much. And, I’ve heard about the renowned Madrasahs in Konya. In shaa Allah, you will go and become someone who will serve his people well. It is worthy of a boy like you. who aspire to attain the qualities of both of a scientist and of a valiant. May you live long, sister Sirma.

Because you didn’t leave my mother alone and you took care of us. In times of trouble it becomes clear who is a true friend, my Aybars. If we keep chatting away like this and visit few more stalls… we will return late to the tribe. We had better start back slowly You’re right, sister Hafsa. The Alps have loaded the fabrics into the cart. So, let us be on our way. Deh! I’ve beaten you to a pulp. That would be enough to untie your tongue, wouldn’t it now? What do you reckon? I am so proud of my own whip. It proved to be sturdy enough… to beat up even a man like me. As for my tongue… apart from my Khan.. no one is mighty enough to untie its knot. I flogged you with your own whip and humiliated you. And my Ertugrul Bey will bring you to your knees… using the same metods that you used on your enemies. And what would that be? Just as you tried to brainwash those in your captivity.. so will Ertugrul Bey brainwash you. only in a much worse manner.

You will be brought into such a state, that… you wouldn’t even realize that you have losened the knot on your tongue. That scum of the Eart, Albasti, will… come to us with your help. Albasti has coiled around Ertugrul, just like a Boa snake. He wiil break his bones first. by squeezing him. then he will sufficate him, until he finally die a slow agonising death. And, he will eventually swallow him. No matter what he does he will no longer be able to escape Albasti. Deh. Deh. They are coming, my Bey. Just take the child. Don’t kill his mother. We need her in the Kayi tribe. And, do not harm Sirma!. She knows what to do very well. Deh. Deh Co e on. Who are you? Get out of our way We have no issue with you We just want the boy.


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