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EPISODE 30 Barbaroslar Urdu Subtitles

Writer: GiveMe5GiveMe5

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

This is Episode 30 of Barbaroslar: Akdeniz’in Kılıcı means Sword of the Meditarranean with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. We are not here to attack and leave like you.....we are hereto fight.We are on you lands.We are on you lands.Let the Hatuns go, then we will handle it between us.At least be a man on your own lands.Very gjosad.It's a good trap.But 1 am notthe one who is cornered'syou.I won’t let yo qirls<qo......and I wonjt let you survive here.Then we will both save the Hatuns......and take Jijel from,you.Attack!Take the Hatuns away!Let us go1Go after the Hatuns!They are taking the Hatuns!If we leave, they will corner us!It won't matter even if we kill them here unless we save them.They can't take them away before the fight is over.Don't touch me1 Let us go1 -Shut up’Walk!They arrived!Come... here..Isabel!We will take her out of JijeI.Hurry1Meryem' Meryem*Meryem is not here’ I will go after her1 Isabel, stop! Don t go alone1 There is no time.

Stay here.Inform Oruc and Hizir. Go!Run!I was so scared of losing you, Meryem.But I didn't let you go.They raided Jijel to save us.Do you think they will let you have me?If they can not arrive on time......I will never surrender to you.Help’Do you think I placed all these men here for no reason?I was still going to abduct you if Oruc and Hizir didn’t come.I left my brother on the battlefield for you!That s how much I love you.I won't let anyone take you.Prepare a cart and a horse.. Hurry.I will take Me rye m to the mountain hut.No one will be able to find us there.

Go!Let me go’ Let me go1Meryem... I won't let that dastard take were going to present our people to your King...Now they will send this to your King.Admiral!Kill all of them!Step back, levents' Step back1 Reis.. We saved Esma Hatun and Huma Hatun.What about Isabel and Meryem?Pedro abducted Meryem Hatun.Isabel went after them.What do you mean he abducted her?Why didn't you go after her?It was too late when we realized.We were fighting against the Spanish.There is no way, Oruc.We have to step back.Stay here, my Agha.I will go and take them.Let's kill them while we have Don Diego in our hands.

No, Hizir. We ll go there together.We will face Don Diego later.Take Huma aunt and Esma out of here.The weapon’Go’ Shoot your arrows’We are stepping back' Come on?Pedro abducted Meryem.brut and Hizir are coming after them.They raided my city!They took my captives!They killed the King's Admiral...And now Pedro...But I will not let them kill Pedro.I know where Pedro might've taken Meryem.We have to find them before they find their traces.Let's go1I will not surrender!Tie her up’Do not resist, Meryem.You will be mine, not someone else's.Meryemi-Isabel!-How could this woman find us?

Isabel!Hang on, Meryem! I will save you from the hands of that dastard!She caught us, the others might be close'Ride to the mountain hunt!Thankfully we took you out of Jijel safe and sound.Horses ahead. We will go to Algeria and wait for Reis Aghas.«£*Isabel went after Merv'em to save her.Both of them are in danger.Why are we going to Algeria?Let's go after them.Let’s fight for them if needed.Reis Aghas are already after them, Huma Hatun.They will do whateveris necessary.We can't stay behind while they are in danger.Let's go after them no matter what.We will be restless.

We can't, Esrna Hatun.Oruc Reis gave strict orders.We will wait in Algeria.Let s go now.Be’quick’We need to get to the cottage soon.Come on!*■ * TCome on, we are about to arrive.We need to get there before Oruc and Hizir arrive.There are traces of wheels and horseshoes.Obviously, they kidnapped Meryem with a carriage.Since he is going upwards, he will take her either to a cottage or a cave.Isabel and Meryem are in danger.A glia, come on1Let's catch them before something bad happens1 Come on! Levents! Don't lose time!I'm taking Meryem to the cottage.Wait outsidDastards! I will never let you take her.Kill her.The bullets are coming from this way, Agha.Isabel. ♦Meryem.Don Diego may have found them.

Let s catch up now, Reis!Come on, let's catch them before, something happens to the women’ Meryem.Isabel!I made you pay for the blood you shed from me.I will kill you1Driver, faster! Faster!Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!I will keep you alive.You will live!Look at me! Look at me!Oruc and Hizir will definitely come to the cottage. We should have lurked and waited.Oruc and Hizir can go to hell.How could I wait there while my brother was heavily injured?And we shot their women.They will be dead until the others get there.This pain will be more than enough for them.For now.Pedro!Don t sleep* Don't sleep’ Pedro.

You will survive.You will survive.Isabel!Isabel!Isabel! Isabel, open your eyes'Meryem!Isabel, open your eyesIsabel!MeryenV Meryem'Open your eyes1 Open your eyes, I’m here, Meryem!Open your eyes.Open your eyes Meryem, I'm here.They lost a lot of blood.We need to take them. Hurry1 We should take them to Algeria.It is the closest.Prepare the horses and the carriage. Come on!Meryem.Meryem1Oh, Oruc! How dare OruC takes the slaves from us?Why did I put you there, Firas'?Answer me.Didn t you fight Oruc?They came out of nowhere, mighty Amir.He said he would not let us make the innocent slaves.

He said you should know this.Since the day they came here, ...they have been destroying my reputation.I was patient because he was an old friend.But Oruc is out of the line.As long as they stay here, we will not have peace.It is time to teach them a lesson.They will go to raid Jijel, mighty Amir.I hope Don Diego dealt with them.Even if he did not,..I will make Algeria hell for them.Come in.Oruc and Hizir are coming to Algeria, mighty Amir.They got away from Don Diego, huh?They cannot get away from me.Gather the soldiers.Yes, mighty Amir.Look at me.You know my rule.If you do not treat my loved ones, I will not leave you alive.You will save my brother.I will do everything I can, sir.Was it worth for that woman called Meryem, huh?Was it?

Your brother shot that woman.If you die, nothing will have a meaning for me.Even if I destroy the whole world, I will not find peace.You will live.You will live.Come on, hurry1Oruc, stop.Youwill payjfor..beating my men and taking my slaves.Now is not the time, Selim.There are wounded people.Get out of our way.Shame on me for calling you my friend.As I try to be patient, are trying to destroy my reputation.I will not let you do this any longer.We are saying they are hurt badly. What are you talking about?We don't have time to deal with you. Come on!I told you not to mess with Don Diego.Yougot me in trouble...and your women are hurt.Enough with the caused me and yourselves.Give me my slaves before thing get messier ...and then do whatever you want.Even if the whole world tries, they cannot take them from me, Selim.Don't push it,...get out of our way or we will have to use force.

What happens if you use force?We will shoot you and clear our path.We are in so much pain...that we can burn the whole world down.We will tear down whole Algeria without hesitation.Lower your swords and get out of our way.Or we will shoot you in your useless brains.And now are you pointing a gun at me?Are you threatening me on my own land?Hatuns are fighting for their lives, Selim.I don't care about your life or reputation.Get out of our way...or suffer the consequences.I will meet you pay for this.Come on, levents!Let people know* Bring gurneys'My daughters’My children’ How did this happen?

They were shot when we got there, aunt.Come on' Hurry!Come on!You cannot leave me, Meryem.You got over so much.You will get through.Son, did this happen?Don Diego got there before us, aunt.We found them like this.I wish we had stopped Isabel.I wish we had gone with them.Maybe this wouldn t have happened, Ilyas.Don’t blame yourselves.Even if you had been there, the same thing would have happened.We should be strong.We will pray for them to get through this.Hold on.Hold on, Isabel.We will get well.Doctors, everything you can.Her wounds are serious.You need to get that we can treat her, Oruc Reis.She lost a lot of blood.Oruc Reis, you need to get out. Wait outside.



Junaid Khalid
Junaid Khalid

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Junaid Khalid
Junaid Khalid

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Rania Arshad
Rania Arshad

Bahi please barbaroslar season 1 episode 16 sy 24 tk kidr ha please batyn dekhni hain

Dont Rush
Dont Rush

Bhai sabhi hain aap search nahi kar pa rahay theek se


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