EPISODE 28 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4
This is the story of EPISODE 28 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. They found it in your residence Your correspondence with the Emperor and Bilecik’s Tekfur! You wrote about the strength and the number of our army that is to… go on the campaign, and the route of the expedition, everything! Moreover. they advised you where to obtain the poison that was to be given to me! All of these, all of these are just false accusations. Ah The letters are false! The chest is false! Shame on you, Nizamettin I have served you my whole life, my Sultan. My father served your father… my grandfather has served your grandfather. When your brother Izzettin had arrested you and threw you into the dungeon… I didn’t want to leave you alone, so I spent eight years there with you.
During the battle of Alaiye (Alanya)… [Conquest of Kalanoros; 1221] during the battle of Yassi Chemen, and. [Erzincan Province, 1230] and so many others, I was always by your side. My body is full of. scars from arrow punctures and from sword blows that I received… while protecting you. These are the works… of the snakes, that coiled themselves around our State, my Sultan. They are the ones who wanted to. feed you the poison, and not me. There is forgiveness for everything according to this State customs, however… there is no forgiveness for betrayal. To this end, a father would not spare his son, nor… would a brother his own brother. You took advantage of the privileges I bestowed upon you and you have. envisioned yourself in the post of a Sultan, Nizamettin. oweve the two swords cannot fit in the same sheath. In this State, the only sword (rule) is my sword (rule) The judgment belongs to me, the justice is mine, as well! Your punishment will be drawn Throw him into the dungeon He will rot away in that dungeon until… he says the names of every single person with whom he collaborated! My Sultan, you are putting the wrong person to the sword. You are throwing your State into the fire! And you may dislike a thing yet it may be good for you”, my Sultan [Al-Baqarah 2 216]
It’s good that you unearthed the traitors before they were able to… jeopardize you and the State. I too, ask for your permission to leave. Ah’ Inglorious sod Uhm Uhm Finally you got enmeshed in the nets of your own traps You’ve got what you deserve. Uhm Ah’ You have done so many dirty treacheries, that even if… I tear you apart, it wouldn’t be enough to pacify me. I put your head under my feet… in this very Castle, in which. you once used to feel so sheltered. The fate of all traitors will be just the same as yours is. Kill me Ertugrul Kill me’ Save your breath! We are going to have some more reckoning with you. You will tell me everything you know, every single thing f you resist… I’ll force you to talk, till blood comes out of your mouth in profusion. Take this one away. The Sultanate may probably continue to exist with the lack of belief’ but, if cruelty is applied, it can never be eternal.” [Grand Vezier Nizam al-Mulk – “Seyasat-nameh”] How well you said it, the great vizier Nizam-ul Mulk. May Allah save us from inflicting cruelty and protect us from being persecuted. Is there permission, my Sultan? Com in What is it, Aziz? Was there some incident? Speak up I just came from the dungeon, my Sultan. It’s Emir Nizamettin Emir Nizamettin took his own life, my Sultan.
What do you mean, he took his own life? How can it be? I’m one of the watchmen in the dungeon, my Sultan. He killed himself by taking the poison. The chief physician is examining the Emir s body right now, my Sultan Summon the physician and Emir Sadettin into my presence, at once! At once! Kill me, Ertugrul. Get it over and done with. Don’t be in such a hurry. I will give you an opportunity to save your life. I will take you to Konya. In the presence of Sultan Alaaddin, you will tell all about… your collaboration with Emir Sadettin, every single detail. Explain to me how this could have happened? There was poison concealed in his socket ring, my Sultan. He took his own life by taking this poison dissolved in some water This poison is the same as the one that killed your soldier… at the Divan of Poets, my Sultan Traitor. He understood that since his nefarious ambitions have… come to light he no longer can save himself. Therefore, he took his own life by his own hands. There is even more, my Sultan. This poison is the same poison they have used in an attempt to… murder you at the Hanli Bazaar. Nizam ttin Why would you want to kill me? His greed for power… has drawn a veil over his eyes, my Sultan. By killing you and putting a discord between your sons. he wanted to seize the control.
There is no other explanation for this. Tr itor. How you set a trap for me and my Alps, while we were en route to the Sultan’s campaign.. how you made an alliance with him regarding Hanli Bazaar… you’ll say about all things you have done in cooperation with Emir Sadeddin. If you confess. . in the presence of the Sultan… I will spare your life. I am a knight who was knighted at the Sword Ceremony… I am sworn to my Empire and to our Holy Cause, Ertugrul. I would never do anything to serve either you or your State. I will not tell anything. Neither your Empire nor your Cause would be able to save you. And I treaded your knighthood underfoot. Now you are nothing. The only thing you have left is your life. If you have any sense at all, you will… do as I say and save your life. Failing that, tomorrow morning… I will reveal to your people, what kind of villain you were and I will execute you in front of your own people. All of your people will spit in your face. You will die while being cursed by your own people. You can’t do this to me Ertugrul! I didn’t deserve this! Ah You did not deserve it?
You can think about this until daybreak. If you don’t decide to save your life by dawn… you’ll never be given that chance again. Shsh, shsh. Oh, mother s heart. Shsh, shsh… Karacahisar has been conquered. That blackguard Ares has been captured. And, my mother regained her health, too. Now, the good days are ahead of us, mother. In shaa Allah, my daughter. In shaa Allah. Don’t get up, mother, don’t How are you doing? How is your health, are you eating well? lam well, son. You look exhausted. I am well, mother, I am alright. I’ve just been to see that villain Ares. I am finished with him. However, the future of our State is at stake, mother. Why do you think so? Well, please be seated mother, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s time for you to be enlightened about the situation. Every tree is eaten by a worm grown within the tree itself, mother. Our magnificent State is being eaten by its’ own traitors from within. And, it’s not only our State that is at stake… but also all our tribes are.