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EPISODE 24 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

This is the story of EPISODE 24 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. My dear friend stand up I want to hug you, Titan. It’s not Titan! But, Suleyman Shah’s son, Ertugrul! Ertugrul Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) It’s a trap Kill them all! Haydir Ajlah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Allahu ekber (Allah is the Greatest) iM IIVO Smash them! Allahu ekber (Allah is the Greatest) Ya! Allah Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Alps, don’t let our Bey go alone! Don’t let anyone pass through at the cost of your life. II come back to get you, Ertugrul Ertugrul is here Where did you go? Ah, so you went in there, hah? What’s going on? -The Turks have invaded the fortress What9 Ertugrul, he is alive Hide yourself, Madam. Come with me, right away. We need to get out of the fortress. I’ll save you.

Go to Hell, Ares! You vile worn n! You, traitor1 Ah m going to kill you Run, get out of here! Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. You’re now free. Go to your spouses and children, reunite with your families, go. You re free May God bless you. May God protect you, we’re grateful to you. We’re grateful to you. We’re grateful to you. Thank heavens May God protect you Thank heavens We’re grateful to you. EyvAllah (don’t mention it) Go on, go on You’re free now, you may go. Come on then, hey, Masha Allah. Brothers, go and look everywhere. Don’t miss even a single soldier. Come on, come on, be quick about that. Come on then There is no way I can walk out of the fortress alive. But I can get out as a dead man. isuieg The lives of these soldiers are entrusted to us Throw them into the dungeon, till the safety of the fortress is restored. As you order, my Bey. Come on then, come on. Come on, get going Ertugrul Bey. What happened to that vile Ares?

I wounded him Just when I was about to take his life, his soldiers came. He ran away like a dog with the tail between his legs. The Alps are hot on his heels. We took over the control of his lair, anyhow. Sooner or later, the Alps will catch up with him. Gunkut, Abdurrahman. Search in every nook and cranny of this Castle. But, bring him to me dead or alive. As you command, my Bey As you command, my Bey. Go on Aag A|/| What is the situation in the fortress, Bamsi? No infidel is left in the fortress.

The fortress is now under our authority, evelAllah, my Bey. EyvAllah (well done), Bamsi. In that case, bring our banner immediately And tell the other tribes the good news of our victory. As you command, my Bey. Where are you, you vile dog? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim [In the name of Allah swt, the Merciful and the Compassionate]. Ya Haqq (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah). Ya Haqq (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah). Praise be to Allah SWT. Thanks to Allah SWT. Thanks to Allah SWT. Praise be to our Allah SWT, brother. He has granted us to see this blessed victory. Praise be to Allah, my brother, praise be. We will see many more beautiful victories, In shaa Allah. Long live my Ertugrul Bey Long ive my Ertugrul Bey Long live my Ertugrul Bey Long live my Ertugrul Bey Long live my Ertugrul Bey Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey!

Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live my Ertugrul Bey Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Long live Ertugrul Bey! Our blessed banner… carrying justice interwoven in its every inch, stitch by stitch. with Allah’s grace and. providence… has brought honor to this place as well. This is not an end in essence, this is just the beginning. Today, we have planted the seed here. This seed… will germinate, then. . it will grow into a Platanus tree, whose shadows. will cover the entire world, In shaa Allah. Now.

we will proclaim our conquest… with Adhan (call to prayer) as recited by Muhammad (pbuh). O All h SWT Mother. All sisters are attending to their duties. They keep patrolling day and night. Excellent My daughter, you didn’t get a wink of sleep, the whole night. Take a breath, come here. Mother There is still no news from Ertugrul Bey. I can’t help myself but have to wonder about their situation. My daughter we are obliged to ensure the safety of our tribe… and to pray for them to be victorious. Allah (swt) will help them.

In shaa Allah. In shaa Allah. Is there permission, Hayme Hatun? O my Allah, may there be a good news, In shaa Allah. Please, come in, Artuk Bey. The word has come from my Ertugrul Bey. Praise be to Allah, we have planted our banners on the Castle. Adhan of Muhammad (pbuh) was called out. O my Allah, thank You, o my Lord (Rabb). Praise be to Allah (swt). Praise be to You, o my Lord (Rabb). Praise be to Allah (swt). Thank You Allah for allowing us to see this victory. Well, they dared to take me captive, hah And so, my father took that Castle from their hands! This time, I will go there not as a captive, but… as Ertugrul Bey’s son, Gunduz. Hey, Masha Allah. My Ertugrul Bey expects me at Castle, immediately. And you, you convey the good news to our people and… come to the Castle together with the Alps. Artuk B y Is Marya alright? I’m worried about her.

Who is Marya, Gunduz? Artuk B y Mary a is one lady from the Castle. When they kidnapped my Gunduz, she helped him a lot. Alright. Gunduz As soon as I get to the Castle, I’ll find it out. Well, come on, take them away Seems you’ve forgotten that those lands still belong to us, Ertugrul Bey. Even though you are paying tribute to our Sultan I know very well that you occupy those positions The ruling over these lands still belongs to me, Ertugrul Bey. This Castle… was the nest… of so many intrigues. traps and evilness. Their atrocities could have only been purged with their own blood. Thanks to Allah, we destroyed the darkness of oppression in this place… now the Sun of our justice will be born. This blow that you dealt to Karacahisar, will not only… shake Nikea but Constantinople, as well You said that this conquest will open the gates of even greater horizons, my Bey. Now I understand better what you mean. I said that the borders cannot hold you back, my Bey. Now everyone will see that, evelAllah. Eyvallah (may it be so), my brothers. The Alps have to keep their eyes and ears open.

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