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EPISODE 22 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

Writer: GiveMe5GiveMe5

This is the story of EPISODE 22 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. So, you were trying to escape Aslihan, take care – Alps. You baseborn! Ah. Asiihan! You good-for-nothing Ah Turgut! Let go Hd. Ah My Ertugrul Bey will bring both, you and your father to your knees again. However, this time no one will be able to save your heads, bowed in submission. Ah Ah Do you think your Ertugrul Bey, whom you rely so much upon, would be able to come here, ha? He is done for, already. Ah Get out of here, Sancar! Get out of here! You don’t say even a word You tried to do things beyond your abilities, incapable woman. You set everyone against each other All these happened because of your obstinacy. Because of your passion for Beylik Ah Turgut1 «d. Tu gut1 Ah, h No, your death won’t be that easy I will make you live through such pains, that.. you will beg me to let you die.

Hd. Alps, put both of them in chains. Put a guard to keep watch over them. Ah You good-for-nothing! You’ll get what you deserve! Let go of me! Ah Ah Ah Son Mother. As you ordered us, we’re doing everything we possibly can. concerning the funeral of our martyrs. Eyvallah (thank you), mother From now on, I consider the children of our martyrs as my children What my children wear, they will wear the same too. What my children eat, they wiM eat the same too. We will raise our children well and take good care of them, mother. May Allah be pleased with you, son. May Allah never leave us without you. Eyvallah (may is be so), mother. Son I know the burden on your shoulders is heavy On this path, many barriers will arise before you. However, our Lord (Rabb) counsels us… Allah (SWT) does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear.” [Al-Baqarah; 2:286] I walk for the sake of Allah’s justice, mother. hen I say “Allah’ only once . all the difficulties remain behind, evelAllah. Now, I wish from my Lord (Rabbim) to open a door to me. I believe And, In shaa Allah, He will open that door to me.

My Lord (Rabb) advises that… So verily, with every difficulty, there [will be] relief.” [Al-lnshirah; 94/5] Your intention is good. Your intention will gain the Divine Approval of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) will certainly show you the door, a way out, son. Mother If you allow, I wish to perform Salat and make dua (prayer to Allah SWT). May Allah accept your prayer. Amin, mother. Merchant Niko? What are you doing here? Not Niko, I am Atsiz. Ah Beautiful. This letter will open all the doors for me. O my Lord (Rabb) . I aspire to live for Your justice… and to fight for Your justice. Please, do not let me be defeated by the enemy… and to be ashamed in front of my tribe, my State and my descendants. O my Lord (Rabb) When You [He] intend a thing Your [His] command is “Be” and it is [Ya-Sin, 36 80] Make me victorious on this path I set on to get Your Approval. The power of opening all the doors belongs to You alone. Please, show me the door, a way out. For the sake of our Prophet (pbuh) who has a glorious name… please accept my duas (prayers). By the order of Tekfur Ares, I have to take this letter to the Emperor.

Tell me your name. Gregoryus. Go out through the secret passage, steer clear of the Alps. Deliver this letter to the Emperor Gregoryus. Alright, pass through Is there permission, my Bey? Come in here, Bamsi. Aag A|/| Bahadir Bey sent his Alp. There’s something he wants to tell you. Bahadir Bey? Where is Turgut, in that case? I don t know, my Bey. This Alp has come alone. Get him in, then. We will learn it now. Eyvallah (alright), my Bey Let him in Speak up, then I bring you greetings (Salam) from Bahadir Bey, Ertugrul Bey. Where is your Bey? He is at the Qavdar tribe. All the Beys swore their allegiance to my Bahadir Bey.. he became the tribe’s Bey and has established his tent. He invited you to meet him tomorrow, in his main tent. What do you mean by he became the Bey ? What do you mean? Where are Aslihan Hatun and Turgut Alp? Until you agree to meet and negotiate with Bahadir Bey… Aslihan Hatun and Turgut Alp would be detained. Aag A|A| My Bey, what is he talking about?

My brother Turgut and Aslihan Hatun have been detained. So that baseborn, whom you consider to have become your new Bey, has… fled from the battlefield where we fought, for that. While we fought on a battlefield, he raided and took hold of the main tent, is it so? He both, betrayed us and rebelled against us. Go and tell him that Ertugrul Bey will come to the mam tent. However, he will not come for reaching an agreement, but will. come to settle an account for his crimes, which have exceeded all measures. This time, he won’t be able to pull it off and get away with his crimes, he must know. Get going. My Bey, my Bey, this dog has… detained Aslihan Hatun and my Turgut brother. We should have detained this dog too, my Bey. No harm can be done to an envoy even if he is that scoundrel’s dog. Let him go.

Let him go, so he can convey to Bahadir, what we told him. Hmph Let him do it, so Bahadir is made aware of what kind of storm is coming his way. What is it, son? That inglorious one, called Bahadir, mother… he has detained Turgut and Aslihan Hatun in the tribe. What did you say? That despicable sod! When the flames of battle were raging on the battlefield… how such a perfidious act can be done? He cooperated with Ares, mother. He betrayed our State because of his ambition for Beylick. He also had his hands in burning of catapults, mother. Treachery is deeply rooted in his blood, mother. However, my sword will. let out that treacherous blood in streams. Bamsi get ready, we are going out. As you order, my Bey. Mother Artuk Bey is to participate at the funeral prayer as my proxy. Also condole with our martyrs’ families, don’t leave them alone.


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