Destan EPISODE 07 Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles
Updated: Jul 8, 2023

This is EPISODE No 07 of Destan with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. My Khan...I want to talk.That aide,Akkiz...That aide, brave enough to fight against Temur Tegin.She is a good warrior who can even defeat my father.And she is a good archer, who is talented enough to attend the arrow contest.: -' \ \\ * k/Srf §lh)® os a gj©@|;g)re[rB<gpf wOwos 6©D®mte(a] enough to attend the arrow contest.What are you trying to^say?Speak openly.What are you trying to say? Speak openly.I want to tell you father was right.There was someone in this palace......who wanted to kill Alpagu Khan and threatened my aide......who wanted to kill Alpagu Khan and threatened my aide...Vv ? shut her up and poisoned her.
“coeog |p©Qfl@sp(j] ’■Akkiz?Why would Akkiz do that?Maybe Akkiz wouldn’t......but the paw of the two headed wolf would.She is trying to kill the Khan who she couldn’t kill with her arrow.....with her sword.And she ran away with her assistant when we understood that the paw was fake.The paw of the two headed wolf who we are looking Akkiz!I knew something was wrong about her.Tell Alps to get ready.Ruin the tribe of Dag....and kill all of them.
Akkiz's blood will wash my lands.- »4 •I brought KunAta for you, my Khan.Let KunAta in and host him.Bring the girl.,uBuDoes she think we are going to forgive her just because she brought Kunata?Kunata will heal your wound.....if he doesn't treat you, you can destroy Dag.This girl must die, Alpagu.What if Kircicek is right?What if she is really the paw of the two headed wolf?What if it was her who shot and hurt you?Why did you come back?Even if Kunata saves one can save you from our laws.Don't you know?Even if you are a slave that escaped from Gok, you must be killed.And even if you are the paw, the enemy of Gok, you must be killed.But I am Akkiz, my Khan.
I am the girl of Dag, who took your sons captive.We were bringing it here to show you.It looks like my mask.Sirma took this from Balamir's tent.There are many of them.I couldn't think then. I didn't even know what it meant.When Yaman saw it, he said...Balamir will shed blood.....and put the blame on the paw.Someone used it for three times.They are asking for help.Yaman... Tie Kaya and Vargi Bey.Akkiz, come.Dag's men, to horses!Let’s go! Go!Temur!
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Behind you!Come on! Come on!Let's go.DieDag's girl. I owe you my life......again.Wait... Did you.....escape from the palace?Saltuk!Saltuk! We need a healer.Don't you have one?We need a healer! Come on!Let's take him to the healer!Let’s...We have two captive Tegins.Now I can go back to the palace and ruin Balamir's game about the paw.What dieIf we don’t ruin Balamir’s game......we are all going to die.This is our only chance.What are you saying?My Kaya, Dag has my Temur.Colpan Hatun would not let my sons live.Are they alive?I said are they alive?They are alive.Only Saltuk Bey was wounded.KunAta healed him.Where are they? What did you do to them?We are hiding them.So that their honor is not tarnished when people learn they are prisoners.I brought you the words of Dag Khan.Tell me.Dag Khan invites Gok Khan to Dag tribe.She wants to negotiate for the Tagins.Colpan Khan reminds you the law.She says "If something happens to KunAta, me, ...or any other Dag person, his Tagins will be dead.*'You could only run away like this, ..Dag girl.Long live, our Khan!Long live, our Khan!Colpan Hatun, listen to me!
Colpan Hatun, listen to me!I swear that one dayvultures will be around your corpse one day.You swear, huh Temur Tagin?I swore once, too.When you were a kid, your father raided my tribe.When you were a kid, your father raided my tribe.Vargi Bey knows about it.Saltuk Bey, too.They were there.I can still hear Alpagu Khan's voice vibrating on the mountains.I brought you your daughter, Toygar Khan.- I brought you your daughter.- Daughter'Sister!Tilsim!That girl lies here.That girl lies here.My sister lies here.My sister lies here.
Your brother Batuga's mother lies here.My father lies here.My father, whose daughter's lifeless body was left on her feet...My father, whose daughter’s lifeless body was left on her feet...My father, whose daughter’s lifeless body was left on her feet...Now your lifeless bodies would be left on your father's feet but...I care about my people.I care about my tribe's honor.Now it is time to...take back Dag's honor.Now it is time to pay for what Alpagu Khan did.o ♦3. Na *I* 4 tDon't talk as if mighty Gok Kahn owes you something!He followed Turkish laws.The punishment for treason is death, in your and my tribe.Your sister and father committed treason.The law gave their punishment.My father was the sword of the law.He did what he had to do.
Your father..was not the sword of the law.Your father was the..blade of anger.He believed a fake noteHe believed a fake note...and took the lives of my father and my sister.A fake note?Do you have a proof to claim honor?I don't need proof to take my honor back.I have the Tagins.Let’s see if Alpagu Khan's honor is more important than his sons.What will you ask from my father?You will see.>■ K'jKORIH(.OK KA(>XXI IGI B\SKI X I I My Khan!\Ne gave Ulu Ece medicine.She is better.Alps that will come with us to Dag are getting ready.Before we take the road, do you want KunAta to examine your wound?
We will take my sons, then he will.Help me.Will you wear an armor?We will fight if we can't agree on something after bargaining.We will destroy Dag and Colpan Hatun.Help me.Danisata. Where is the note?Which note? -The note.....that was sewed on to the chest of my armor.The proof of Tilsim Hatun's betrayal.Where is it? Who took it?He is carrying it on his chest. You have to take it.The Dag's girl took it, right?-Search the girl's clothes.-Alright.I know that you love that girl.If she came into my room and took the note......I will kill her after I save your brothers from Dag.Don't get mad at me.How could you run away?How could you leave me here and go?You were glad. And I thought......I better leave her and let her help Colpan Khan......and flirt with Tegins.They are going to kill us!They will kill you and me!Hold her.What are you doing?
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Danisata told us to take the clothes off of the slave.....who thinks she is a warrior.Don't touch me!My Danisata.You told us to take Akkiz's clothes of and search.We did, we found nothing.Leave.Dag's girl is clean. There is no note.But if she is smart, she wouldn't carry it on her.She must be hiding it.You told me that she might've taken it. Why?It's obvious. She loves Tilsim.It's obvious. She loves Tilsim.It's obvious. She loves Tilsim.She must've wanted to see if there was a proof of her betrayal.Maybe Ulu Ece got jealous and took it.Or this girl took it.
Or this girl took it.Who else could it be?If this girl took it, we have to kill her.She sneaked in the room of the Khan.But then......Kunata wouldn't treat you.I will first go and take my boys, then I will question the girl.Are you going to torture her?KJKORDXGOK KAG \\l IGI H XSKI \ I i t » Put the hunting feast off. If someone asks......tell them that Alpagu Khan's horses got sick and he jeft to get new horses.The hunting feast will start after he arrives. -Yes my Khan.No one will know that my Tegins are captives.fc©(rD(B woOO ta@w mv T©f oow©ir©fe^ow^o If someone asks, tell them that they are after the runaways.They will attend the hunting feast when they come back. -Yes my Khan.Close the pigeon house. Not a single information will fly from here.
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