Mehmetcik Kutulamare episode 32 with Urdu Subtitles
This is Episode number 32 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Bravo for finding these eggs in the middle of the desert, Mr. Omer.They brought it from the village for your sake.They don't know about eggs with tomatoes here.. *May "ALLAH" (S.W.T) be pleased with them, Mr. ...

This is Episode number 32 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Bravo for finding these eggs in the middle of the desert, Mr. Omer.They brought it from the village for your sake.They don't know about eggs with tomatoes here.. *May "ALLAH" (S.W.T) be pleased with them, Mr. Omer.Of course, with you, too.You're a skillful man, Mr. Omer.Maa Shaa "ALLAH" (Praise Be to "ALLAH").Loneliness teaches a person everything.Since when have you been alone, Mr. Omer?Long time has passed that it made me forget love, Saeed.What's that smell, friend?The smell came into the tent.Mr. Omer, why do you keep doing this to us?Have a taste, Commander.A rightful man doesn't do a wrong thing.Thank you.May your hands be blessed.Mr. Omer was also talking to us about love, commander.Can a man holding a gun have time for love, Saeed?Don't say that, Sergeant Mevlut.Love knows its experimenter.Right, Mr. Omer?
This is Episode number 32 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Bravo for finding these eggs in the middle of the desert, Mr. Omer.They brought it from the village for your sake.They don't know about eggs with tomatoes here.. *May "ALLAH" (S.W.T) be pleased with them, Mr. Omer.Of course, with you, too.You're a skillful man, Mr. Omer.Maa Shaa "ALLAH" (Praise Be to "ALLAH").Loneliness teaches a person everything.Since when have you been alone, Mr. Omer?Long time has passed that it made me forget love, Saeed.What's that smell, friend?The smell came into the tent.Mr. Omer, why do you keep doing this to us?Have a taste, Commander.A rightful man doesn't do a wrong thing.Thank you.May your hands be blessed.Mr. Omer was also talking to us about love, commander.Can a man holding a gun have time for love, Saeed?Don't say that, Sergeant Mevlut.Love knows its experimenter.Right, Mr. Omer?
Mr. Suleyman Askeri is leading his troops to death.They know about our plan.Where did you get that?We sneaked into the English headquarters.Whatever I saw, all that's left in my memory is all there.This information is more important than anything else, Sefik.It's not about me...If you care about the country, even for a bit,'ll give this information to Mr. Suleyman Askeri.Adam.Yes, commander.Inform the group right leave first.But let them check if there are car movements around Amare.Yes, commander.Adam.Say that I'm at the house, okay?Understood, Commander.I have eaten like this since a long time ago.Enjoy your meal.You're eating as if it's your last meal, Niyazi.From now on, we'll be in the middle of hell.Where were we before?If you think about it, we were in heaven, Saeed.Don't do this, commander.If we fail, a lot of souls will burn, lion.I know this very well.Your arms are tied.You feel helpless.You're unarmed and you're waiting like this.The only thing I wish for is to die before see the creature whom I thought was become lower than an animal.We've seen a lot of those things, Commander.In Tripoli.-YesWe’ve seen a lot of those heretics.They did a lot of things to us.We've seen so much pain on this land, commander.They know very well what will happen if anyone tries to defy them.The majority of the tribes joined the British because of this.They don't believe our story.The enemy's hand appears to be white as snow from a distance.But it's all a trick.Once they come to our land, the area turns into a battlefield.The Islamic realm to them is like a cemetery. It is a field of training for these creatures.Never mind everything but everything not present in their country, they found it in ours.Mehmet.Go ahead, Commander.What's wrong, my lion?